Death's Haunting

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Hear the proclamation of Death
Whilst Hades trudged along on his chariot
Riding through the Underworld
With Nyx tailing him from behind
And Geras running lores of untimely death

Ponder this, mortal
For every breath that you exhale
An angel of forgotten memories is born
Carrying along a wreath of wilted carnations
Adorning a skull from a lost cause

Run to Eros, and ask for directions
But be careful, lest you be deceived
Since love is always a lost cause
A choice between a junction
Janus will kneel on your deathbed
Chanting hymns to Tartaros

Pray the South Wind came with its gentle breeze
Boreas billowing snow to get you on your way
Or Nemesis will come instead
Leading wandering souls to the Field of Ashpodel

UnfaithfulDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora