Chapter 1

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Dedicated to bubblegum_cherry for being the best person ever. Ily thanks so much for all your support.


I starred at my reflection in the mirror. My curly hair was wrapped in an extra messy bun. And no, it isn't the cute kind you see on TV and in magazines, its the kind that looks like you 'don't care' but in reality you actually tried sixty-three times and failed. I wore a black T shirt , a blue washed out jeans and a black converse. I sighed as I grabbed my backpack and went downstairs , the house was empty always. My mom was never home, most times she's at work or out with friends or maybe with her newest 'man' of the week, my dad died three years ago. It still hurts when I think about him because we were really close but I've learn to move past it.

The drive to school took about five minutes. I arrived at exactly 8:00 am which was when the first bell rang, I hugged my bag straps and hummed the lyrics of 'let it go' from frozen which has been stuck in my head since I first saw the movie and made my way through the thick hallway traffic jam.

First period was biology which on the other side of the school so I had a long walk. I bent my head and starred at my shoes so I can blend into the crowd. Unfortunately I wasn't invisible to everyone. At the corner of my eyes I spotted Trent Mattgury making his way towards me with an evil smirk on his face. I trembled inwardly at his menacing gaze and quickened my pace toward the classroom.

"Hey nerd!" I heard I'm shout through the crowd, his voice filled with venom. I ducked my head and walked faster than I did before.

"You loser no wonder your mother doesn't stay home to see your ugly face" he said with a snicker at the end. Everyday he says the same things ,its usually about how ugly I am. I don't really think I'm ugly but what can I do when I hear it everyday?

I looked back and saw Trent talking to one of his jock buddies, I let out a breath of relief and turned around but came in contact with something hard! I could already feel the bump growing on my forehead , pain endorsed my head and I groaned loudly. I was interrupted from my groaning by some very high pitch squeals.

"Oh my gosh are you okay? I am so sorry I really didn't mean to hit you with my locker door I swear I didn't see you walking towards me, I was kinda in a hurry and....and I um um ahh! YOUR HEAD!!" She screamed when she finally saw the humongous bump on my head.

"Oh my gosh I gotta take you to the nurse" she said while dragging me in the direction of the nurses office." Once again I'm really sorry if there's anything I can do to make up for this I swear just tell me"

"Hey it's ok really, I know it was an accident. It was partially my fault anyways I wasn't watching where I was walking" I replied. I noticed that I haven't seen her face before and I've been in this school long enough to know familiar faces so I asked.

"Are you new here?"

"Yeah this is my first day actually" she answered.

"Oh. Well welcome.... Um what's your name?"

"I'm Emma, you?"

"Its McKenzie" I replied while entering the nurses office.

"I'm sorry for not making a good first impression but remember anything you need please tell me. I gotta head to class though but I'll check up on you after Kay"

"Yeah OK see ya later" I retorted

I spent half an hour getting treated by the nurse. The swelling on my forehead was decreasing slowly but the pain had stopped. After ,I went back to the rest of classes which was boring as usual. It was now lunch time and I usually eat outside in the garden, I walked into the cafeteria when I heard my name being called.

"Hey McKenzie, how are you feeling?" Emma said walking towards me.

"I feel better"

"Good, have you thought about what I can do to make it up to you?" I was about to decline and tell her I'm fine when she said "and don't even think about saying 'I'm fine'". I sighed and thought about it for awile, I looked at her appearance her blonde hair was curled perfectly, she wore a blue mini skirt and a white blouse. She looked perfect. Suddenly a idea popped in my mind.

"Make me beautiful".

So this is it. What do you think? I know its a little boring at first but I promise it gets better.


Ig- Nakeyahxo

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