Chapter 3

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I'm currently sitting in the chemistry lab with my head on the desk awaiting the arrival of the teacher. The class was noisy and everyone were sectioned of in their different cliques. The gossipers, the wannabe bad boys, the jocks with the'queens' unfortunately I didn't fit in anywhere in these social circles so I usually stayed by myself... It doesn't bother me though.... I'm cool! Suddenly the gossipers got even louder.

'Oh mi gosh who is he'

'He's cute'

'Is that a literature book? Ew nerd'

'Where di--'

"Alright class everyone take your seats" Mr. Hernandez said while entering the classroom." Today we have a new student. This is Cole Smith" my head immediately shut up and my eyes landed on a familiar set of green eyes "Mr smith you may sit at any empty seat which is either by Matt in the back or by McKenzie" Cole stood contemplating his decision for a moment and then made his way in the back by Matt. He think Matt is better to shit by than me? Ha. If only he knew.

"Roof Roof ramshrkkgsdhgg roof"
Matt started barking and doing his weird shit as usual I started laughing as Cole skidded of his seat and made his way by me.

"I'm sorry I should've warn you. Matt is a little.." Mr Hernandez said trying to find a word to fit his personality. "Special." He ended.

Cole muttered something under his breath and made his way towards me. He dropped his bag on the table and sat on the stool next to mine.

"Idiot" I muttered but hard enough for Cole to hear. I didn't miss the deadly glare he sent my way but I ignored it pretending to write in my notebook.

At lunch time I walked into the cafeteria and bought food to carry to my usual eating spot.

"Everybody look, it's the ugly beast of the west" I heard Trent shout from across the cafeteria. I bowed my head hoping nobody heard but to my dismay everyone was already laughing. I ignored the chants and went by the ordering line.

"Hey ugliesha did your face kill your father?" I heard him taunt again 'ohhh's'  filled the cafeteria with laughter. How can they laugh that isn't even funny? I always promised myself never to cry and show signs of weakness but at this moment tears managed to gather in my eyes. I ran out of the cafeteria heading to the girls washroom but I bumped in someone. Cole. I continued walking but I can feel eyes on me. I washed face with the water and tried to somehow suck back up the tears that where coming down. I heard footsteps walking towards me but I didn't bother to open my eyes and look.

"Kenzie are you okay?" The voice whom I recognized to be emma said.

"Just peachy" I replied.

"Look I don't know who the guy is but I do know this. You're beautiful don't let anyone tell you otherwise. You have awesome hair I mean I wish I had that much volume girl" she chuckled and continued"Your eyes are perfect its like the perfect shade of blue so don't let that idiot tell you you're not beautiful if he can't see it he's blind. Even Cole said you're nice last night. Don't tell him I said that." I gasped and blushed a little after that last part. He said I'm nice? Me? I squealed like an obsessed fangirl inside.

"Thank you Emma. It means a lot" I walked over to her and gave her a light hug.

"Good. Now turn that frown upside down and let's go, class started five minutes ago" I didn't know I was here that long,wow time flies when you cry. "By the way this guy Nick invited me to his party tonight, he said I can bring a friend. Why don't you come by me later and we'll go together"

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