Chapter 6

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Emma and I fell asleep last night talking about our lives. It amazes me that we've only known each other for one week, I feel like we've been friends forever. I feel so comfortable telling her things that no one else knows and I'm sure she feels the same. Last night I learned that they moved here from Seattle when her dad got promoted to a trading company out here. She had to break up with her boyfriend max who she's been seeing for two months because they both don't believe in long term relationships. She said it wasn't serious though so it doesn't bother her.

Soon after I showered and got dress, emma and I walked downstairs to watch a movie.

"The last ride?" She asked.

"Frozen" I said flopping down on the couch.

"What! No way the last ride"


"The last ride"


"Can you both shut up?" Cole said from across the room.

"Cole can you tell McKenzie that we wanna watch the last ride?" She asked

"No way I'm the guest so I get first pick"

"Please. You stopped being a guest since u had breakfast with my parents" she scoffed.

"I actually wanna watch avengers" Cole said.

"The last ride"

"Avengers" while they were both arguing I (being the smart one) took the remote and ran towards the kitchen.

"Cole go catch her she has the remote"

"Why can't you go?" Cole retorted.

" I'll ruin my makeup duh. Now go" Cole then started running in my direction.

"Give me the remote McKenzie"

"Never!" I said running around the counter.

"McKenzie" he threatened

"Cole" I mocked.

"That's it" he said jumping over the counter and grabbing me. I escaped his hold and tried to run into the living room but unfortunately his long legs overpowered mine. He grabbed me again but this time I fell pulling him down with me, he sat on top me holding his weight with his knees and began tickling me.

"Cole stop" I said while laughing uncontrollably.

"No you should have stopped running" he replied without stopping.

"Cole I need to peeeeeeee" I shouted then I heard the door unlock seeing Mr and Mrs Smith with another couple and a girl our age with a noticeably large scowl on her face. I'm guessing that's Paige, Emma told me she liked Cole I don't think she's happy looking at our position. Cole immediately jumped off me and stood up neatening his crimpled shirt.

"Mom, Dad you're home" Emma squealed bouncing off the chair. I almost forgot she was in the room. I looked at the TV and noticed the last ride playing. That sly b***ch.

"Emma" Paige squealed.

"Paige" Emma squealed while doing air kisses with her.

"Cole" Paige said flirtatiously walking towards him "I've missed you" she added wrapping her hands around his neck engulfing him in a hug.

"Yeah" was Cole's lame reply.

Paige then turned at me looking me up and down and asked "and who might you be?"

"Uh hi I'm McKenzie" I said outstretching my hand. She looked at it like it was a piece of dirt and replied "okay" I dropped my hands and wiped them at the side of my jeans because they suddenly became sweaty.

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