Chapter 9

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Would you like to go on a date with me next Friday? - Nate.

I gazed at the text Nate,( the cashier boy whose name I just learned) sent. We were texting for about an hour and now he's asking me out. Does this happen? I mean I have never been asked out before but in the movies and in my head I didnt picture it so.........sudden. Shouldn't we get to know each other first? Like stranger danger right? But in his defense the last hour was spent with him talking about himself, and his band and his parrot, so maybe he wasn't that much of a stranger. Was I thinking too much into this? Maybe I should ask Emma, yeah that's it.

"Hey Em?"

"Yeah kenz?"

"OK um let's say a guy you just met like two hours ago decided to ask you on a date, what'll you say? Keep in mind you just met" I told her.

"Is he hot?" She ask blatantly. I rolled my eyes at her bluntness.

"Does it matter?"

"Duhh" she said.

"Ok well then yes he's hot" I replied.

"Good. Then my answer will be yes"

I starred confused at her for a moment then answer "Why? You just met"

"Well, the hot ones don't come too often so you gotta snatch them before they go?" She remarked. I didn't reply I was still wrapping my head around her statement.

"Are you going on a date?" Paige asked.

"Um well I ..I don't know" I replied honestly.

She rolled her eyes and ask "Did someone ask you out?"

"Uh yeah"

"OMG WHO?" Emma shouted in.

"Stop shouting" I told her "Its a guy at the supermarket"

"Really? Yayyyyyyy" she sung.

"I didn't finalize it though"

"What? Why not?" Paige asked.

"Yeah why!" Emma agreed.

"Well we just met" I told them in a matter of factly.

"So, he's hot right?" I nodded "Then say yes"

I thought about it for awhile and decided to do what they said. I texted his 'yes' and he messaged me a winky face with the place and time. I felt nervous from here on, aren't I supposed to feel excited?

Cole immediately ran in my mind. My emotions turned from nervous to angry but then I turned pensive. Maybe I did something wrong? Maybe I should apologize. I got up from Emma's bed and walked towards his room fighting the urge to turn around and let him come to me, but being the wuss I am I had to go. I stood in front his door and held my hand in a knocking position, still contemplating what to do. I sighed and turned back around, maybe he isn't worth it, suddenly his door flew open stopping me dead in my track. I stayed motionless with my back turned to him.

"McKenzie" he said softly. That was honestly the best someone has said my name, it made me want to melt in his arms and apologize, but I knew I had to put my foot down. I spun around and fold my arms waiting for him to continue.

"Can we talk in my room?" He asked, I simply raised my eyebrows.

"Please" he continued. I shrugged and entered his room.

"I'm sorry ok? I'm sorry that I got angry at you. I'm sorry that I questioned you. I'm sorry that I ignored you ok I'm sorry" he apologized.

"Fine, apology accepted."

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