Chapter 2

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We were now sitting in Emma's living room eating cheese burgers. After much debate and numerous amounts of protests from Emma saying that I am already beautiful 'blah blah blah' I finally convinced her to help me out with my issues, which includes makeup, hairstyles and fashion advice.

"So do you know how to do contouring?" Emma asked.

"Uh nope. But I do know how to do a wing.....I'll show you lend me the thingy?" I said holding out my hand, Emma chuckled and grabbed her purse pulling out the 'winger' as I call it. I stood up and walked towards the mirror hanging on the wall.I closely concentrate, trying not to shake and mess it up.

"Tadaa....soooo how is it? Great huh?" I said proud of my accomplishment.

"Uhhh um is the wing broken?" She relied bursting out in fits of laughter.

"What! Dude it's perfect I've been watching tutorials on this for like a month now" I said honestly I mean I really thought I got the hang of it this time.

"Haha it's okay you'll get it trust me" she replied while wiping my failure with a makeup remover. "It's all about technique, you just flick and tick. See easy" I turned back at the mirror to view it. It was good, great actually.

"Wow" I retorted in awe.

"Yeah, there's a lot more where that came from"

"Good because I---" I stopped talking when I saw a brown hair boy walk down the stairs, his eyes where green with a sparkle of gold I felt like I was getting lost in them. He walked into the kitchen without an acknowledgment but I didn't care as I watched his retreating back.

I glanced at Emma but her eyes were focused on the television. The brown haired boy was drinking orange juice looking at the dining table. I wonder if he realized we're here, he looks kinda oblivious to that fact. After he was finished he walked back to the stairs but emma seemed to notice his presence.

"Ou Cole goodie you're here." She stood up and walked towards him dragging me along with her.

" Cole this is McKenzie. McKenzie this is my brother Cole" she said introducing us.

"Hey nice to meet you" I said politely outstretching my hand to shake. A few seconds passed , he watched from my hands to my face and raised a brow.

"What's up with your hair?" He replied with a smirk. I dropped my hands in embarrassment and smoothed my hair like if that'll help it was like a big giant frizzy puff ball. I knew driving here with the window rolled down was a bad idea. Oh damn it. I was so caught up with trying to tame my hair I forgot the situation I was in, I looked up and saw Emma telling Cole something about being nice but he looked as if he could care less. Nevertheless I took my hands from my hair and replied.

"What's up with your face?" Its lame I know but it was in the spur of the moment and I didn't no what else to say. He laughed at me horrible answer and continued walking up stairs. I rolled my eyes at his jerkish attitude and strutted towards the couch.

"I'm really sorry about Cole. He's adopted" she said sitting down by me.


"No. But I tell people that. I don't want people to think I'm actually related to that twit"

"Hahaha oh well its ok" I said cooly.

"Good--" she was cut off by her phone ringing. "Excuse me" she said answering the call.

"Mhm" I took this time to flip through the channels on TV. Nothing entertaining was going on so I switched it off.

"McKenzie can you run upstairs and tell Cole that mom's on the phone ..its urgent his room is the second door on the left" I nodded and went upstairs. I knocked nervously on the door awaiting his appearance. I waited for awhile until I heard the door unlock.

"What?" He asked coldly.

"Emma says to come downstairs, its urgent"


"Hell do I know, I just told you exactly what she said" I replied. He glared at me and I know he was debating whether or not to reply. He went back in his room apparently looking for something. The door was open so I walked in his room. It was navy blue and gray it was basically a normal room but one thing stood out, there was a gigantic bookshelf standing in the corner. I walked over and investigated the books he had.

"Did I tell you to enter?" He said looking at me.

"You have the divergent series" I retorted raising my eyebrows. I heard his remark but I chose to ignore it. I didn't want to discuss my nosiness right now.

"Its not....mine" he said embarrassed. I knew he was lying but I didn't budge on it.

"Okay" I runner my fingertips along the outside of each book, intrigued by the amount he had, I stayed for awhile until I heard

"Get out my room loser" being shouted from down the hall. I smiled and exited the room making my way downstairs.


Chapter 2 is finished lovies!!!!

I am sure there's a lot of error so if u see any kindly tell me thank you


IG: nakeyahxo


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