Chapter 5

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I woke up the next morning feeling great. I yawned and sat up stretching out my hands, Emma was still asleep..I couldn't blame her, she probably had a massive headache. I hopped of the bed and walked toward the bathroom to brush my teeth, after I went back into the bedroom and fold my blanket. I glanced at the time and which said 7:00am, unzipping my bag I decided to wear the clothes I didn't wear to the party and go to school in it instead.

"Omg can u please stop making so much noise" Emma said while rubbing her eyes.

"Sorry" I muttered going into the shower.

After my bath I walked downstairs to wait on Emma. There was talking coming from the kitchen and I notice two figures sitting around the dining table. I guessed them to be her parents, I actually forget she had parents I mean I'm so accustomed to not having any that I thought she didn't have too.

"Good morning" I said shyly playing with my hands.

"Hello dear you must be McKenzie such a pleasure to meet you" Mrs Smith said.

"Thank you nice to meet you too" I replied politely.

"Why don't you take a seat darling" she remarked while placing French toast and orange juice in front of a seat.

"Thank you"

"I must say I am thankful that you are friends with Emma. When we first moved here she became pretty depressed since she left all of her friends behind but since she's met you I must it's a big improvement" Mr Smith said thankfully.

"Oh well it's an honor knowing your daughter sir I'm glad we've become friends"

"Please call me Greg"

"And I'm Sarah" Mrs smith--Sarah said I nodded with a smile and bit a piece of the French toast sitting in front of me.

"Cole what are your plans today son?" Cole? I didn't realize he walked on here, I was probably caught up in the deliciousness of this toast.

"The usual" Cole replied dryly.

"You know reading is great and all but Cole you're seventeen when are u gonna have fun? Go on dates?" Mrs smith said.

"I don't have time for those stuff mom" she sighed in defeat probably knowing she'll never win that argument.

"Fine. Also your sister's friend Paige and her parents are coming to see our new place, please promise me you'll be nice"

"What! Why do they need to see the house anyways?" Cole said with a hint of venom I'm guessing he doesn't like this girl Paige and her patents very much.

"They called and asked I said yes" she replied with a shrug.

"Whatever, when are they coming?"


"How long are they staying?"

"The weekend"

"Fine. I make no promises though. Bye" he announced while walking out at that same moment Emma walked in saying her good morning.

"What's wrong with him" she asked sitting next to me.

" He's upset because Paige and her parents are coming tomorrow.

"Oh well kenzie are you ready to go to school?"

"Uh yeah sure let's go" I stood up getting ready to leave. "Bye Sarah bye Greg thanks again for breakfast" I said before I left.

"First name basis already huh?" Emma teased while snickering and interlocking her arm with mine.

"Yup" I said popping the 'p'

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