Chapter 12

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I slowly turned around a waiting the bulldozer that is my mother. She was walking towards me from the kitchen with a displeased look on her face.

"Well" she said crossing her hands for an explanation.

"Well?" I mocked.

"Why did you leave when I told you that you were grounded? "

"I felt like it" I answered rudely. She starred at me intensely probably wondering when I became so obnoxious. What she didn't know is that when she left her sweet little girl was all grown up.

"Well do you want to tell me who you went by?"

"No not really" I replied dryly. My voice throughout this entire conversation has basically been monotone. I wasn't going to give her the satisfaction that I knew she desperately needed.

"Was it a boy or girl?" She intruded even more. My eyebrows shot up even more and my scowl deepened. I couldn't believe the audacity of this woman.

"Does it matter?"

"Yes Mckenzie it does" she said raising her voice a little.

"No mother it doesn't" I retorted walking away from her towards the staircase but I didn't get far enough because her hands quickly stopped me by grabbing my wrists.

"Mckenzie! I am your mother! I deserve to know who my child stayed by for the weekend" Steam blew through my entire body. Now she cared who I stayed by? And for a weekend! ! She didn't seem to care who I stayed by when she left because I didn't even receive a single phone call from my 'mother'.

"You don't deserve shit if anyone deserves something here its me. For the past three months I didn't know where you were or if it 'was a boy or a girl' don't you think I deserve an explanation Darla?" I finished by saying.

"Watch your language Mckenzie!" She said growing furious.

"Go to hell" I answered rudely.

A small gasped escaped from her mouth. I won't lie a sudden feeling of regret glowered over me but I quickly dismissed it.

"How dare you tell me that! I have raised your since you were a baby and this is the thanks I get? Sure, I've made some mistakes along the way but you have to forgive and forget Mckenzie. I know that I'll have to earn your forgiveness but please Mckenzie all I ask is that you resist smart talking me, I am really trying for us to be close again just like we use to when your dad was here but you are making it very difficult. Don't you want us to be close again? " she said ending her sentence with a softer, calmer voice. That's the thing with my mother she can be very manipulative when she needs to be but I knew better than to fall for it.

"Yeah, but dad isn't here anymore is he? You didn't think about him when you brought Tony over did you"

"I think of your father all the time!"

I scoffed and forcefully retrieved my hand from her grip. I grabbed my bag and scurried towards my bedroom, dumping it on the ground I slowly lowered myself onto my bed and sighed. I remembered the days my father was still with us, those were the days where this house felt like a home. My dad has always been the one to pick me up and dust me off, although my mom was always around me when he was alive she was never really involved in the things I wanted. She always wanted me to take path in beauty pageants (until I was old enough to make my own choices) or she would make me go on diets when I was putting on a 'little weight' , she always did what she wanted to do. I guess I didn't realize how distant we were until now because my dad was always able to fill that empty part of my heart.

I know a lot of people may say 'it's been three years since he's died Mckenzie, it's time to move on' but the thing that struck me the most is how fast my mother moved on not even a year after his death she started to leave home and stay out later and later. Until one day she never came home, I was so worried I remember dialing '911' thinking that she went missing as I was about to call another call came in. My mother had called to tell me that she's not gonna be home for a week because she had to do something for 'work' that I shouldn't worry there's money in the kitchen draw and if I needed anything to go by Mrs Jenkins across the street. I was thirteen at the time.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2015 ⏰

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