Chapter 10

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The clock read 2:00am and I still couldn't sleep. Maybe it was because I knew tomorrow was the day I had to go home and I didn't know whether or not my mom was there. I turned and turned until I grew agitated, sitting up I unraveled my blanket and hopped of the bed because I really needed to pee. The hallway was as quiet as a mouse, like I could've literally hear crickets chirping outside. Passing by Cole's room I heard talking, like a girl talking. It sounded like she was trying to be as quiet as possible, being the nosy girl I am I wanted to remain there listening but unfortunately my bladder had a different idea.

I continued walking to the bathroom as softly as I can. I didn't want them to think I was spying on them. After I finished I quietly tip toed towards the room until I heard Cole's door unlock and out came Paige with her blanket in her hand, and trust me she was not happy to see me. I pinched my lip together thinking about my next step in this situation, then I decided to act surprised.

"Paige?" I gasped shockingly. She was about to answer until Cole appeared by the door frame.

"Cole?" I gasped again acting even more surprised.

"McKenzie?" He answered rubbing his eyes unsure of the situation "Why aren't you asleep?"

"I needed to pee idiot" I retorted "and why aren't you asleep? Or maybe I should ask why aren't you both sleeping right now?" I said raising my eyebrows. I totally knew nothing happened between them because basically Cole can't stand the sight of her but I felt really mischievous at the moment. I guess 2:00 am does that to a person.

"I know how this looks but it isn't what you think" he defended.

"And what exactly do I think" I said playfully. I wanted to laugh so badly because the look on their faces were priceless, especially Coles.

"You know you think we uh.. did it" he muttered saying the last part softer than the rest.

"It?" I questioned folding my arms propping myself on the wall. Paige's eye's was just going back and forth from us.

"You know what I mean"

"Nope, I don't think I do" I replied. Oh I was gonna make them suffer and I really don't know why. I honestly have know reason why I was interrogating the and I am quite surprised that they are responding to me like if they have to but I was bored and couldn't sleep so what the hay might as well enjoy it.


"Chillax dude, you don't have to explain yourself to me" I said looking from him to Paige then turned around walking away. I think I heard Cole calling my name once but I was busy trying to contain my laughter. I should've carried my phone to capture the moment. Once I reached back in the room I checked my phone seeing a message from my mom. I locked it and finally allowed sleep to consume me.


I woke up early the next morning around 7:00am. Only five hours of sleep! What the hell! I struggled to get out bed but succeeded nonetheless. I spent awhile freshening up,actually putting time and effort into my appearance. After I packed the small bag I came with so that when I was ready to leave I can simply pick it up and go. When I was finished I walked downstairs where the Harris's along with the Smith's were sitting around the dining table.

"Good morning" I said politely.

"Hi sweetheart good morning" Sarah was the first to answer followed by the others. "Scrambled eggs?" She asked.

"Yes please" I answered.

The room was silent after that as everyone began to eat.

Emma and Paige entered the room afterwards walking towards the table. Paige eyed me carefully and intensively probably still remembering what I saw last night. I wrinkled my nose and turned away from her finishing up my eggs.

"This was delicious Sarah, thank you, for everything" I said giving her a heartwarming hug.

"No problem deary" she answered as she squeezed me in her embrace. "Come back any time"

"I will. I should better get going though" I said.

"Why so early?" Emma questioned.

"There are....some things I wanna get done" I answered truthfully. I really want to go look for a job today. I didn't want to depend on my mom's weekly cheque anymore, I wanted to be independent. I've seen the ice cream shop downtown had a "workers wanted" sign up so I guess I'll check there first.

"I'll be right down, I'm gonna go grab my bag" I added. I turned around and strolled up stairs to go grab my bag and get ready to leave. Upon reaching up, I spotted Cole coming out his room.

"Hi...." He said looking down with his hands in his pocket. I propped up against the wall crossing my hands over my chest.

"Sup" I replied with a wicked smirk on my face knowing fully well how awkward he was feeling.

"What time are you leaving?" He asked.


"Now?" He repeated.

"Yes pronto"


"Yup jetzt"

"McKenzie what are you saying?" He asked with his eyebrows raised looking dumbfounded.

"That I'm leaving now as in right now, like immediately en ce moment" I answered.

" come?"

"I have some things to do" I retorted.


I rolled my eyes at his repetition. "Are you a parrot? Or are you going deaf? T-H-I-N-G-S things."

"What kind of things?" He answered calmly leaning on the wall with me. And let me tell you he was closeeee.

"I'm gonna look for a job"

"what kind?"

"I don't know that why I'm going job hunting duh" he stared at me eccentrically I don't know why I was being so mean today like wow. What time of the month is it? he finally opened his mouth and spoke.

"Look about last night-" he started saying.

"You don't have to explain to me" I said and began to walk off but he extended his hand out stopping me.

"I want to explain McKenzie"


"Because it's not what you think" I raised my eyebrows and waited for him to continue. " nothing happened, she came in unannounced and she was just leaving"

"OK" I said dryly.

"Alright" he said moving his extended hand out the way. "Do you need help uh job hunting?"

I thought about it for awhile. Maybe a little company would be nice.

"Sure why not. Let me grab my bags and we'll get going" I picked up my bag from Emma's room and looked around in case I forgot anything.

"Let's go!" We walked downstairs where everyone was exactly where I left them.

After saying my goodbyes to everyone Cole and I left the house. Emma wanted to come along but unfortunately Paige dragged her away because she wanted to go look at her lipstick collection. We began our journey downtown in search of a job. Firstly, we stopped at the record shop hoping that they needed new workers.

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