Chapter 8

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Cole and I walked back to the kitchen where luckily neither of the Harris' where there. Immediately Sarah came by me and apologized for their inconsiderate behavior. Obviously I told her that is was fine but to be honest I knew karma would catch up with them.

"Cole can you run to the store and get some eggs? I could've sworn I picked them up when I went shopping" Sarah asked.

Cole groaned but stood up and grabbed his car keys.

"McKenzie you should go too, you know to show him around since you're familiar." she said without looking at me. I thought about it for awhile, I could've used some time away from the Harris' I really didn't wanna see either of their faces again. Hopefully they won't even come back to San Francisco.

"Are you coming or not loser?" Cole asked standing by the door. I nodded and walked towards him as we made our way to the car.

The car ride was spent with Cole and I arguing, as usual ,about which station we wanted to listen too. I honestly listen to most genre of music but he wanted to listen to instrumental. Who the hell listens to instrumental! Like seriously he is literally like a old guy trapped in a hot dudes body.

"McKenzie stop switching the song" he groaned, swatting my hand away from the radio.

"Are you serious? This sounds like we're driving to a memorial service" I replied changing it anyways. Cole gritted his teeth but allowed me to change it ,I stopped as I heard 'bad blood by Taylor Swift' playing.




'CAUSE BABY NOW WE'VE GOT BAD BLOOD HEY!' I shouted out the lyrics nodding my head up and down, Cole looked agitated as though he was about to strangle me any moment. I chuckled at his face which was red with anger.

"You're annoying" he muttered tightening his grip on the steering wheel.

"Don't act as though you don't like it" I retorted bopping my finger on his nose. He had a slight blush which showed the effect I had on him ,I think! Who am I kidding I've never even had an effect on my dog. We arrived at the supermarket and walked to the egg section with me leading the way.

'We're gonna get eggs yeah, yeah, yeah.'

'And I can't feel my legs oh no ,no'

'And I like a guy named greggggg wait no I don't'. I sang just to get a rise out of Cole, annoying him is the most fun ever.

"Cole don't you think I can be a singer/songwriter?"

"You are honestly the worst singer ever. So stop singing people are starring" he remarked embarrassingly.

"Could've at least sugar coat it geesh"

"Let's just get the eggs" he said.

"Sour puss" I muttered loud enough for him to hear. He simply rolled his eyes and ignored me. We picked up the eggs with a few chocolate candies, for Me, and walked towards the cashier.

"Will that be all?" The cashier asked I snapped up my head and came in awe. He was gorgeous! Wow!

"Um, uh..uh.umm, you're gorgeous.. Uh umm-"

"That's it" Cole said stopping Me from my embarrassment. The gorgeous cashier nodded while bagging the products, he then looked at me and smiled.

"You're cute" he complimented. I squealed inwardly and tugged Cole shirt.

"Me? Cute? Nahh" I said.

"You are. Can I have your number?" He asked.

Cole snorted and sarcastically said "real smooth" but I think that I was the only one that heard. I ignored his comment and answered cashier boy.

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