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I was livid.

My body was filling up with hatred and I needed to do something. Carli was hurt and I could tell by the way she just stood there. Karl had always liked her but now a new girl walked in and turned his back against her. All she was to Karl was nice and caring, even when her and I were on tough waters. For him to come into the room flying accusations like that was something I couldn't stand for. 

My hands were tightly around Karl's shoulders, his body shaking in anger. "Tell him, Tania. Tell him." I hissed. This was probably not something I should be bringing up, but she had ruined and abused her stay. 

"Karl.. I.." Tania stuttered. Karl shook me off, I reluctantly let go and backed up so I was standing beside Carli. She looked up at me, softly smiling as I began to rub her back.

"Shall I tell him?" I slowly said, smiling at Tania. She glared at me and held her hands behind her back. 

"I'm pregnant." Tania spoke, her eyes shifting to Karl. His body went rigid, his features changing in seconds.

"How? We haven't had sex yet, Tania." He softly spoke.

"I know. The baby isn't yours, it's-- it's" Tania took a deep breath. "It's Johns."

"What?" Karl asked, pushing away from Tania's grip.

"John and I loved each other, Karl. I got pregnant with his baby and I'm planning on keeping it." Tania said, her eyes filling up with tears. 

"Are you still in love with him?" Karl carefully asked.

"Yeah, I am." Tania admitted. Karl shook his head and took several steps back, his fingers on his right hand sliding through his hair. He looked from Carli to Tania, his eyes filling with regret. Carli turned to me and tugged on my hand, asking silently if we could leave. I sent a dirty look at Tania and Karl as I ushered Carli out of the building. 

"Baby I'm so sorry." I said as I helped her to her car. She shook her head and stayed silent, her mind somewhere else. I stopped her and stood in front of Carli, my hands placing on her cheeks. Her eyes met mine, I could tell that she was sad and confused.

"Why would he take her side so easily?" Carli whispered.

"I don't know. But I'll take care of him, I promise." 

"What are you going to do? Kill him?" She mockingly asked. I stared at her and she sighed. "Sorry, I didn't mean that. Can we go see some sights? I kind of want to get away from everything."

"Of course darling. You'll need to change, though." I chuckled as she smiled, nodding in agreement. 


After I was changed into something more warm, I grabbed my purse and walked with Harry down to his truck. Getting in, I was freezing from the chilly Scotland air. I breathed out, giggling as I saw my breath turn into a mist of fog in front of me. 

"You're cute." Harry chuckled, starting the truck. I breathed a sigh of relief as the warm hit my cold face. I looked over at Harry, sending him a small smile. "Are you sure you're okay from earlier?" Harry asked, his hand holding mine tightly. 

"Not really." I admitted, shrugging. 

Harry and I toured the beautiful sights of Scotland for hours and hours. I was glad for this distraction, Harry was great at lifting my spirits when they were down. My boots were wet from all the walking and my baby boy was happy in his little oven. I was laughing at ridiculous things Harry was doing, my lips always curved into a grin. I loved it when Harry took time off for me, it made me feel special. I was grateful that he stood up for me and it showed me that he's really trying with us. He choose me over his mate. I know that guys were supposed to do that, but Harry didn't really do that. Occasionally he would tell people to shut up, not get physical. I was okay with his actions though, Karl deserved everything that was thrown at him. 

As we finished our meal at an old castle that was placed on top of a green hill, I could feel small pains in my abdomen. Groaning slightly when they increased in pressure, I looked over at Harry and sent him a worried look.

"What? What's going on?" Harry asked nervously, rushing over to me. 

"Harry I think-" I whimpered in pain as a jolt of pressure became even worse, my breathing coming out in short patterns.

Harry cursed loudly as he swept me up in his arms, quickly running to his truck. he sat me in and rushed to the little Scotland hospital that was close to us. I started crying as Harry held my hand tightly. I'm going to give birth today, I'm having my son. 

Once we arrived at the hospital, Harry parked in an emergency spot and helped me into a wheelchair. Pushing me inside, Harry yelled for a doctor as he rubbed my shoulders. Nurses ran up to us and helped me into a room, starting a baby monitor on my stomach. Harry stood beside my bed, his hand holding mine tightly.

"H-Harry." I hiccuped. 

"Shh baby girl, you're okay." Harry soothingly spoke. Several minutes ticked away as I sat there, watching as a Doctor checked my vitals.

"Mr and Mrs. Styles, I have good and bad news." He spoke.

"Bring it on." Harry said.

"Good news is that you aren't into labor, what you had was called Braxton Hicks. They usually appear closer to the birth date, it's called false labor. In your case, it was caused due to a high amount of stress. Bad news is that you wont get to meet your precious son today."

Am I really ready to be a mom?

Forgive Me (Color Me book 3 H.S) EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now