Chapter 7 (Love is Strange)

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Your POV (Chapter 7)

(A/N: Sorry for that last cliff hanger. Not really but oh well. Anyway I've been listening to the same song on repeat for about five hours I'm beginning to think I have a problem)

"Oh my god. If he okay? What hospital is he at? We will be there right away."

"Thankfully he only broke his left arm and right leg. And we are at _________ hospital." (A/N: I couldn't think of a hospital name so you can fill it in.)

"Thank you. My husband and I will be there ASAP." I hung up when she said that was all and told Thomas everything while we were getting Thalia from her crib. He drove while I sat in the backseat with Thalia. We arrived about 10 minutes later. We ran inside. I held Thalia close to me. We walked to the front desk.

"Hello. We are hear for Dylan Sangster he's our son." The lady looked at her screen.

"Room 314. And it says hear that they gave him a shot to make him sleep." We nodded and walked to the elevator. Thomas pressed the button. Those three fights felt like years. Thomas held my hand. We speed walked into room 314. There was a little figure with one cast on his forearm and one from his knee to his ankle. I gasped. My baby! I handed Thomas Thalia and walked over to Dylan.

"Hey, Dylie it's mommy. I'm hear now." A nurse walked in.

"I assume you are his mother and father."

"Yes." Thomas said before I could even think.

"Well I'll have you know, that the woman who was driving him had been drunk. She was put under a DUI." I gasped. "Are you related to her or is she a friend?"

"She's my aunt." I said bursting into tears.

"I'm very sorry." Thomas set Thalia in her car seat and walked towards me. He rubbed my back and kissed my cheek. "Dylan should be waking up any second now." I nodded and wiped the tears from my face. Dylan's eyes opened slightly.

"Mommy? Daddy?"

"He Dylie. We're hear now." Thomas said in a soft tone. Softer than I've ever heard his voice. Dylan pointed to the car seat. "Thalia is hear too." Thomas said.

"He should really get some sleep." The nurse said.

"Yeah. Dylie can you try to get some sleep for mommy?" I asked and he nodded then closed his eyes. The nurse said that she would stay in the room till he was fully stable. Someone opened the door. I looked over and I about passed out. It was her my aunt.

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