Chapter 10 (Love is Strange)

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Your POV (Chapter 10)

After the shower we both dried and I looked at the clock. 12:24 "Good morning." I leaned on Thomas's bare chest.

"Good morning, my love." He said.

"I'm sorry." I said.

"For what?"

"Overreacting about everything." He kissed my forehead head.

"You're fine. It's my fault for pushing you."

"I love you." I said.

"I love you too." He kissed me. "We need to go to sleep." I climbed into bed and slowly fell asleep with Thomas's arm around me and his head on my shoulder.

*time skip*

I woke with no one else in the bed. "Thomas?" I called. No one answered. I got out of bed and walked into the kids rooms they weren't no one was in either room. I walked into the kitchen and there was a piece of paper on the counter. "Dylie asked if we could go to the park. I got Thalia some formula so don't worry. Love you, Tommy." I read the note. I walked up stairs and did my hair in a messy bun. Then I got dressed in skinny jeans, a white shirt, and a black leather jacket that Thomas got me for my last birthday. I walked over to my radio and turned it on and Crazy in Love was on. I turned the volume up so that I could hear it all the way in Dylan's room. I walked in his room and picked up toys and put away clothes. I never thought I'd be doing this at 22, get pregnant in high school. I heard the phone ring from the master bedroom. It was Thomas. "Hello?" I ask.


"How's Dylie?"

"He's good. Can I pick you up? I was thinking we could get something to eat."

"Yeah. I'm all ready. Can we go to Mexican?"

"Sure, love. What did you do while we were gone?"

"I cleaned."

"Oh, okay. Um we are almost there."

"Love you."

"Love you too." He hung up. I grabbed my wallet and phone. And walked out. The wind ripped at my clothes. Thomas pulled up. I walked out and got in the passenger side. As soon as I got inside the car I looked at the backseat to see if my babies were there. Both were sleeping. "So you just cleaned?"

"Well I listened to some music and got dressed and thought about stuff."

"What type of stuff?"

"Like what I would be doing if I wasn't a mom. And how when I was little I never thought that I would be doing stuff like this at 22." He nodded. "Did you have any trouble?"

"Only one melt down and it wasn't that big." I nodded. Dylan could be difficult at times.

"I'll get Thalia."I said. I really wanted to hold Thalia. I wasn't used to being away from my kids since I was a stay at home mom. Dylan only went to day care on occasion. Thomas parked our Honda and we got out to get the kids. I opened Thalia's door and took out the whole car seat.

"Dylan, can you get up for me?" Thomas asked and Dylan nodded. He unbuckled himself and Thomas picked him up. We walked in the restaurant. And asked for a booth. We sat down and looked at the menu the I heard a giggle. I put down my menu and picked up Thalia.

"Look at that! Our little girl is awake." I picked her up and looked at Thomas who was smiling. Then I look at Dylan who was passed out on Thomas's lap. We ordered our food.

"So I got a transfer to London."

"Really?" He nodded. "I guess we should start packing."

"Yeah. This is what you want, right?" He asked.

"Yes. This is what I want. I want to leave. I want to see you mom. I want to live in England." He nodded. "And maybe we could even have more additions." I looked at Thalia in my arms smiling.

"Maybe." He said. "Wait what?" I laughed.

"You weren't paying attention to me!"

"I'd love to have more." He said nudging my foot. His phone rang. "Unknown number." He answered. "Hello?" I looked at him and he hung up. "Wrong number." He was hiding something.

"Thomas." He looked at me with his piercing brown eyes. "Who called you." He sighed.

"You're aunt." I looked to see that Dylan was still sleeping.

"What the hell did she want?" I whispered.

"She wanted to see Dylan and Thalia."

"On my death bed!" He put his hand on mine.

"Calm down. I wouldn't let her touch them with a ten foot poll." We finished eating and went home. I tucked Dylan into bed. He still hadn't woken.

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