chapter 4

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We arrive at my sister's friend's house around 9 after stopping in for a little early breakfast at MacDonald's. No shame Jamie, no shame. Her house is gorgeous, even though it's a small house boat, it looks gorgeous. She's so lucky to have a view of the open ocean, I hope she doesn't swim in it. I swallow hard as I walk to the end of the dock looking over into the deep ocean.

I grasp onto my coat in fear, "Whoa!" Mika yells as he pushes me quickly grabbing onto my wrist before I hit the water.

"What the hell are you thinking?!" I scream completely oblivious of the people still sleeping in the boats, "Don't do that!" My heart pounds loud in my chest, holy shit, I'm terrified. I'm still hanging above the water as he continues to laugh, tears start to well in my eyes, "Mika please pull me back up!" I beg as I frantically grab hold of his arm trying to pull up. His laugh dies down as he stares at me then back at the water.

His mouth becomes an 'o' shapes as he realises my fear, "you're scared?" He asks as he pulls me back up. A slight scream leaves my lips as I look back into the ocean where I almost died quickly running into his arms trembling, "Mistress? That's quite funny." He tries to stifle a laugh as he pushes me away and holds me shoulders looking down at me, who's almost crying. I hate him so much.

"I. Almost. Fucking. Died!" I roar as I hit him in the chest pushing his hands off my shoulders, "You're supposed to protect me, not almost kill me!" I lower my voice slightly as I look around to see peoples boats starting to move signalling people are walking inside. I just woke people up.

He rolls his eyes as he walks passed me and to the end of the dock looking down, his blonde hair blowing in the wind as his scarf blows with it, "You couldn't have died." He shrugs as he kneels down putting his hand in the water.

Quickly I step back and hurry to Marissa's boat door, "whatever you're thinking, don't do it." I growl as my heart still pounds in my chest, I feel like it's pounding in my throat really.

He stands up and looks back at me putting his hands in his pockets, "I have no idea what you're talking about." He smirks as he walks towards me. Hesitantly I turn around and knock on the door anxious about what I'm going to ask her. I look down at my feet and realise I can see the water under the boards.

"Mika!" I yelp as I start freaking out stepping frantically trying to do, actually, I don't even know what I'm trying to do. I'm just terrified right now.

He walks up behind me and puts his hands on my shoulders making me stand still, "Calm down, you're going to break the board doing that." He mumbles causing my eyes to widen. Was that supposed to make me feel better?! He looks at the water under the boards and back at me to see me completely horrified, "Stand on my feet." He suggests. Quickly I step on his feet holding onto his body desperate to get away from the water, "This is pathetic." He groans as he closes his eyes.

"Oi! You had to be afraid of something before you became this." I whispers the last part causing him to blink and purse his lips staring at me. He can't be serious. I decide to ignore him and look at the door. Why hasn't Marissa opened it yet? "Marissa?" I call as I lean over and knock on it once again only for it to be swung open, a girl standing there with puffy eyes.

"Jamie?" She asks as she looks at me then at Mika, "What are you doing here?" She asks continuing to hold the door open. I look her up and down to see her wearing a singlet top and pyjama pants, the same ones I was wearing last night actually.

I look back up at her and smile, "can we talk?" I ask as I look at her messy black hair. She looks at Mika and furrows her eye brows, "he's okay, and he's a part of the police." I lie trying to calm her nerves about letting a random stranger in.

Mika (unedited)Where stories live. Discover now