Chapter 21

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The war has been going on for a few hours now, I'm beginning to get exhausted and I can tell the others are too. Charlie and I went to get Levi and we succeeded, there was surprisingly no guards there...

"Charlie!" Levi screams. I spin around to see Charlie's neck get snapped by a demon, my heart beat increases as I watch there was nothing I could do. Levi continues to scream as he kills the demons that just ruined his life, my feet take me as I run over to where the hysteric boy is crying over Charlie.

"Levi!" I yell as I come to a stop next to him, "No, Charlie..." I sob as my knees give in and I fall to the ground next to them.

"Jasper stop!" Mika roars causing me to look up to see Jasper running in to help Mika only to have his throat slit.

"JASPER!" I scream as I stare at the group falling apart.

"You bastards!" Mika yells as he starts killing the ones who killed Jasper. I look back at Levi to see him now standing.

"Levi...?" I ask as a look of horror and anger mixes in his expression.

"You can shut up! You caused this!" He roars. A sword comes through his stomach as blood drips off the end.

I fall backwards to see Levi fall to his knees as blood escapes his lips. The sword leaves his stomach making him fall onto a lifeless Charlie, a demon stands behind him, a smug grin on his face. Suddenly his head falls off of his body revealing a blood covered Mika, "We have to retreat," He grabs my arm ripping me off the floor and to my feet.

"Everyone's dead," I sob as he pulls me away.

"Exactly." His words leave his lips like venom before he stop and hides me behind him, "Let us leave, you win the war, just move," He barks.

"I want my daughter," Hades speaks.

Mika shakes his head, "over my dead body," he wields his sword.

"That can be arranged," He snickers and makes the ground come up around us, enclosing us in. I make knives appear throwing them at him, but, he makes a shield with the ground, "You should know better."

"Stop hiding behind a shield and fight you bastard!" Mika yells and throws a fireball at the shield making it explode and dust to go everywhere.

I grab hold of Mika's arm as we can't see 2 steps ahead of us thanks to the dirt and dust around us, "Mika, where is he?" I ask. I hear Mika scream in pain as he grasps my arm tightly, "MIKA!" I shriek as the dirt finally falls and I see a hand in his stomach, Hades hand.

I throw a knife at Hades, hitting him in the side, but, he doesn't flinch, "now my daughter," he starts as he takes his hand out, Mika falling to the ground lifeless, "don't anger me."


"Jamie! Jamie wake up!" Mika yells as I shoot up and look around the room to see the bedroom I fell asleep in, "are you okay?" He asks me grabbing my hand tightly.

The sun shines through the curtains as my body trembles at the nightmare I just encountered, "Y-yeah, I just had a nightmare," I mumble and squeeze his hand looking into his beautiful blue eyes.

A small smile falls on his face as he reaches up and strokes my cheek, "it was only a nightmare," he coos trying to stop me from shaking.

I reach up and hold his hand against my cheek closing my eyes and embracing his warmth, "I know, but, you died, everyone died," I choke on my words as my eyes start tearing up.

"Shh, it's okay," he grabs my body and pulls me into a tight embrace. I sob quietly into his shoulder and he strokes my hair, "I'm here and no matter what happens, I won't die, you won't die, no one will die, but," his words strike fear in me, 'but', why does there have to be a but? "If one of us is to die," he pulls away and holds my shoulders looking me straight in the eye, "you have to be ready."

Mika (unedited)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن