Chapter 20

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SMUT ALERT!!!! If you don't like sex scenes, do NOT continue reading. 

The sex scene is written by, Ereri-love. Give her a follow!

Love you all :)


"Uh, Levi sir?" One of the guards call out making me spin on my heels and glare at him, "The king is calling for you."

My eyes widen as I hesitantly make my way back to the doors to see him standing there with them open, "you called?" I ask and stop a few meters away from him.

"I forgot to tell you," he smirks as a large metal sound is heard from above me. I look up to see a cage fall on top of me trapping me in place.

Automatically, I run to the edge and grab hold of the bars, "you prick," I yell grabbing my swords and trying to cut through the bars only to be thrown backwards, my back colliding with the bars at the other end of the cage.

"You are an asset to them Levi," he starts, me sitting on the floor, my swords scattered next to me, "one that can't go back now that I've got you."

"Charlie..." I whisper before I pass out.

**Jamie's POV**

It's been 4 hours and Levi still hasn't come back, I trust him I really do, I just don't know if he's working with Hades if that makes any sense. Charlie is in hysterics worried about him, "he still isn't back yet," Charlie yells as he walks back and forth.

I lay on the couch, my head on Mika's lap as he plays with my hair, "he will, just don't worry okay?" Mika mumbles and stares down at me, his eyes sparkling.

"Mika, he's going to be worried no matter what you say, so you're not helping," Jasper sighs and grabs Charlie's wrist, stopping him from walking back and forth, "sit down," he orders. Charlie hesitantly moves next to Jasper and sits down.

We all fall silent as Charlie's foot tapping on the floor can be heard, suddenly the door swings open and he bolts towards it, "oh," we hear him say from the other side of the wall, "it's only Alex!"

I jump off the seat and run over to see her looking completely fine except for her make up smudged down her cheeks, "Alex!" I yelp and embrace her tightly.

She hugs me back and chuckles softly, "hey you," I unwrap my arms and go to speak, but, she cuts me off, "I was in hell," she speaks with fear in her voice as she looks at Charlie.

"Did you see Levi?" He asks as a hopeful look is evident on his face.

She nods and blinks a couple times, but, doesn't say anything, "Alex...? Where's Levi?" I ask slowly not sure if I want to know the answer.

She looks down, her black hair falling over her face, "Hades has him."

I turn to look at Charlie who still has the hopeful look frozen on his face, "Charlie?"

He stays frozen as a twitch starts on the edge of his smile, "I think I broke him," Alex mumbles as she steps back waiting for him to explode.

I don't look back at her, instead I reach up and touch Charlie's cheek. He softens under my touch before a look of anger takes over his face, "WHY DIDN'T YOU HELP HIM!?" He roars as he grabs her t-shirt pushing her against the front door.

She tries to push him away, but, he's too strong, "C-Charlie, stop," she gasps as his fist is pushing against her throat.

I run over and grab his wrist, "if she tried to help, we wouldn't have known he was captured," I try to pull him away.

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