Chapter 15

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**WOO DOUBLE UPDATE! I was really excited to share this chapter with you, sooooo HAVE FUN GUYS**

Her wet body is held tightly against mine as I carry her to the front door of the house, I hope she's okay, I turned up my music before so she could drown out the thunder, but, every time it pounded she would tremble. I feel terrible, why did I run off? Why did she run after someone like me? Jasper probably is better for her, but, I love this girl and I don't think I could stand seeing her with anyone especially an angel. I swing the door open, struggling to get in due to her being in my arms. As soon as it swings open Jasper runs to the door, a worried expression on his face, "Jamie!" He yells as he runs grabbing her from my arms. I let him take her, he's much warmer then I am. He looks up at me from her scowling at me, "you're a bastard," He growls as he makes his way into the other room where the fire place is laying her on the couch.

I walk in to see Charlie fussing over her, checking her pulse, her forehead, everything, while Alex sat there with the most fowl look on hr face as she looked at me, "pathetic you know that?" She growls at me with her arms crossed.

"I know, I didn't mean to," I start, my heart breaking at the sight of Jamie trembling.

I feel a hand on my shoulder making me turn around, "you didn't mean to what? Leave her alone? That is what we call a conscious decision," Levi sighs a little growl in his voice, "you might be worse than me, leaving a helpless girl with her greatest fear," he yawns before walking in and sitting on the couch Jamie's not on. His words make me feel worse, there is no way I consciously left her there. I thought she was going with Jasper.

"Jasper!" I snap making everyone look at me, "why didn't she go with you?" I bark making him stand up and walk over to me.

"Don't go blaming this on me bud, you over reacted, YOU left her," he pokes my chest making me slap his hand away, "I tried to stop her, but, you know what she said?" He asks.

I shake my head, "No Jasper, I fucking don't, enlighten me," I growl taking a step towards him our chests touching.

He glares at me, at eye length, "he's worth running after." Is all that leaves his lips. My face drops as my stomach does the same, "I bet she doesn't believe that now," he chuckles as he steps away from me, leaving me in my pity.

Everyone stays quiet for a minute, "oh shut it Jasper," Jamie mumbles as she continues to lay down.

"Jamie?!" Everyone runs over to her except me, I just stare down t my feet, "How are you feeling?" Jasper asks as he kneels next to her. That should be me. I spin on my heels and leave heading up stairs, I should leave them, but, I wonder what she meant when she told Jasper to shut it.


"Can you guys leave me for a bit? I need a little time not feeling so attacked," Jamie laughs slightly still laying on the couch, her lips blue. She looks so helpless.

I smile and nod being the first one to exit. I hope that wasn't rude, I mean, she did want to be alone. I shuffle my way upstairs before walking into my room leaning on the door as I close it. I let out a sigh only to have the door swung open pushing me over onto the floor hitting my head, "ow!" I growl as I crawl up holding my head, "who the fuck," I cut myself off when my eyes lock with Levi's gorgeous brown ones. Snap out of it Charlie, don't do anything stupid.

"I am so sorry!" Levi laughs as he runs over to me kneeling next to me, "you look like shit bud," his laughing dies down to a slight chuckle.

He holds his hand out as he stands and I hesitantly take it being pulled up, sparks automatically went flying when our hands touched, I can't deny it, "It's not your fault. I was leaning on it," I let a shy chuckle leave my lips as I rub the nape of my neck. I look down and realise were still holding hand, quickly I rip my hand away and catch my breath.

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