'Got him.'

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Natasha watched as Sam called out for his partner, then as the older man entered the room. Her own jaw dropped at the sight of the man there.

"Bucky..." She whispered, reaching out towards the screen in an attempt to grasp him, bring him to safety.

She watched in silence as the two men talked, her gaze focused on the scared male, whose arm was trapped in some sort of clamp.

They had been searching for months, but she never actually believed they were any closer to finding The Winter Soldier- she had searched for years, often taking time away from SHIELD to pick up on leads that she was given. They always led to a dead end, Natasha knew all too well that the assassin would have to come to her- which is why she often asked to be sent on missions which sounded as if he would be there. Escorting the man out of Iran, it was her idea to be sent on that mission, in hopes that she would see him again. Her superiors were never given the reason as to why she wanted to go though- she made excuses. 'I'm the only one who can speak that language.' was the one used most often, and it would work just as well as a child's sweet smile to an adult when they wanted the answer to be yes.

Her phone rang and she looked down at the lit screen. How long had Steve been calling her for? She turned off the computer screen before answering.

"Steve? What's up?"

"Nat? Good, I need your help."

"What is it?"

"You know how we were going to try find Bucky? Well, we got him. You need to track down Scott Lang. We need his help to get him out."

"You found him? That's great, Steve... Does he remember anything?"

"I haven't spoken to him yet, Sam's explaining  who we are and stuff."

"I'll try find this Scott. Want me to bring the Quinjet along with him?"

"Yeah, please. We're at-"

He was cut off by Natasha coughing to hint at something, and the line went quiet for a second.

"You've already traced this call, haven't you?"

She could hear him laugh slightly and she smiled.

"Yep. Ran the tracer as soon as I answered." She lied- she already knew where they were.

"I need to get used to that.  And please hurry. He needs medical help. We don't have anything here to help him with."

"I'll try be quick. See you soon, Steve. Just keep talking to him, he'll be fine."

Her breath hitched in her throat, and she hung up before he could ask how she knew that.

Natasha spun around, turning the computer back on and watching as the two men knelt down with Bucky, beginning to talk to him slowly.

"You're gonna be alright Buck. We promise."

She swallowed down the lump after Steve said those words, turning off the screen and heading to go and track down 'Scott Lang'.

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