'Natasha showed me.'

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"Are you sure you don't need any help?"

Natasha looked away from the controls, seeing Steve who was trying to communicate with Bucky- who was more interested with the fact that they were on a flying jet.

"I told you before-" He stopped, looking at him and frowning.

"Steve." The captain said slowly, trying not to break.

"I'm sorry." Bucky replied sadly, sitting down on one of the seats and looking at the floor.

Natasha motioned for Steve to come over, which he obeyed, sitting in the co-pilot seat.

"Steve, you can't keep pulling that face every time he forgets your name. He's going to break down if you do it again. I know that you're trying to support him, but sticking your bottom lip out isn't going to help. You need to let him know that it's okay if he forgets for a minute, and you can start by wiping your guilt-making face from your mind."

The soldier seemed quite taken aback by her outburst, nodding and walking over to the man who was still staring at the floor.

"It's alright if you forget. It happens to all of us. It's not your fault."

"Your mother's name was Sarah. You used to stuff newspaper in your shoes." Bucky looked up at Steve, waiting to see if that was right or wrong.

Steve chucked lightly and nodded.

"Yeah. Mom liked you." He replied quietly.

Bucky nodded, letting out a sigh of relief.

"How far Nat?" Steve asked, looking around at her.

"Nearly there." She replied, seeing the training base come into her sight.

"Where are we going, Steve?" Bucky asked quietly, looking between Scott and Sam who were talking, to Steve then at Natasha who was still in control of the jet.

"Training base. You'll be safe there, don't worry." He replied carefully as they landed.

"I'm taking Scott home before someone finds out he's here." Sam said quickly, the two men walking quickly as soon as the jet was on the ground, disappearing around the corner.

"Steve go find a medic. He needs to be checked. I'll take him to my room, meet you there." Natasha instructed Steve, who was reluctant to leave his friend. She raised her eyebrows and he left quickly, leaving Natasha to kneel down next to him.

"Where do I know you from?" He asked slowly, making eye contact with her.

She looked up at him, opening her mouth to speak but not feeling surprised when no words came out.

"I remember shooting you and stuff... where else?"

"We met briefly when I was about 15 or 16. That's all." She lied.

He noticed the way her eyes looked around quickly, knowing  that she had lied. Bucky nodded anyway, looking out the open loading bay of the jet.

"Where are we going now?"

She helped him to stand, leading him slowly inside the building. "My room."

"Where'd Steve go?" He looked around at all the agents who were in suits, shouting commands to each other.

"He's gone to find a medic. I know you said you're fine but we need to know for sure. I'm sorry."

He nodded, still entranced by the way these ordinary people could work like that.

"Why aren't we going to a medical room?" He asked, continuing to let her lead him along corridors.

"It's on the other side of the building, and my room is safe and the closest." She shrugged, stopping outside a door where she swiped her badge.

"You need to walk through quickly okay? Then just wait there a second." Natasha instructed and he nodded, doing as she said when she opened the door then closed it behind him, leaving him in the corridor.

She appeared about a minute later, much to his confusion.

"Why couldn't you walk in with me?" He frowned.

"You have to swipe the badge to get in, the system thought it was me walking through first when it was actually you. You're not allowed up here because you're not a Shield agent, so I had to wipe my entries from the log to get back in." She explained, leading him along the corridor and unlocking one of the doors that led off it, letting him walk inside.

"You managed to do all that in a minute?" He was shocked- never before had he met a woman who could do something that quickly- Peggy Carter was fast for fighting back, but Natasha seemed to be an expert in technology, something he would ask her to help him with later.

She nodded, gesturing for him to sit down. "Yeah," She started as they both sat down on her bed. "It's not exactly hard- enter the right code and you can do whatever."

"When'd you learn to do that?"

"I've always known how to get into systems- when I first joined Shield I had a lot of free time. Managed to get hold of a tablet, took me about a week to learn how to get into their systems."

"Don't you get into trouble?"

"I used to at first, now they just turn a blind eye. They'll be able to tell if I'm being made to do it so I can live or whatever."


"Yes, James?"

"What did you mean by a tablet? Surely not like the pill you swallow?" He asked, knowing that she would laugh at him for being clueless.

Though to his surprise, she didn't laugh. She simply smiled at him, handing him the device which he inspected.

"What does it do?" He questioned, accidentally hitting one of the buttons and his mouth opening at the screen shown before him.

"Anything you want it to. It can give you information, it can play music, anything you want." She smiled, showing him examples.

"Natasha? Can I ask you something else?"

"You can ask me anything you want."

"Can you bring me up to date on all this? I'd ask Steve, but I think he gets upset when he's around me."

"Of course I'll help you adjust. And it's not that Steve gets upset, he just wants you to remember from when you were friends. You'll remember in your own time, we can't rush you." She said softly, letting him swipe at the screen of the tablet.

"But what if I don't remember everything?"

"You will. If you're getting impatient with yourself, then we have someone who can help speed it up. You need to make sure that you're prepared for it though..."

"What do you mean prepared?" He frowned, looking over at her, hoping she didn't mean a repeat of what happened to him before.

"Where HYRDA has had you for over 70 years, every time they wiped your memory some would've been buried deeper and deeper. My guess is that a lot of them will be stuck, then they'll come flooding back all at once. That's why you need to prepare yourself, know that you're ready for it. It'll be a shock, but it works. We won't force it on you if you don't want it though, alright?"

His face relaxed and he nodded, looking into her eyes. Those eyes, there was something about them- he had seen them before.

"Thank you, Natasha."

She smiled, continuing to look at him when the door opened, revealing Steve with a female medic.

He looked up at Steve, who nodded at Natasha before she returned it.

"I see you found the tablet then Buck." He laughed as the other man let the medic check him.

He nodded, looking down at the screen and then to Natasha.

"Natasha showed me."

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