'Is that really you?'

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"Remember Bucky, if she doesn't remember you at first, don't get upset. Okay?" Natasha frowned.

The two were waiting outside Peggy's room, where Steve was inside talking to her. Natasha was worried, not wanting her former lover to have a break down- she knew how to sort him out, but she couldn't do so in front of Steve. She couldn't risk letting Steve know about their past, it would ruin everything.


The two looked around to see Steve sticking his head out the door, nodding  to let him know that she was ready.

"I'll be out here if you need me." Natasha smiled at him slightly and he nodded, stepping inside the room to see the frail woman.

Steve closed the door slightly after they had walked in, sitting on Peggy's bed and taking her hand. "Peggy? This is Bucky, remember? Sargent Barnes." He said softly as Bucky walked around, sitting on the chair next to her bed.

"Bucky? Is that really you?" She asked quietly, looking him in the eyes.

He nodded and smiled as her eyes glistened with tears.

"We thought you were dead." The agent sighed, still finding it hard to believe that he was alive.

"Well he-" Steve started to explain but was stopped by a cough from Bucky.

"I have to talk about it sometime Steve." Bucky looked up at him, watching as he sighed then nodded, letting him speak.

"When my unit was captured, Zola experimented on me. A variant to the serum they used on Steve. I didn't know of any effects until I fell off that train... Somehow it kept me alive, though there was a price," He stopped, swallowing hard before continuing. "They kept me as their asset, they called it. I belonged to HYDRA- they'd wipe my memory of the war and keep me in Cryo-Freeze between missions."

"Bucky... What do you mean 'there was a price'?" Peggy frowned at him, looking him up and down. He looked the same as he did seventy years ago- all that had changed was his hair length and his facial hair.

Bucky and Steve shared a look, to which Steve nodded and looked towards Peggy.

"Don't freak out, alright Peg?" Steve said softly, taking her hand.

The woman watched as Bucky slipped off his jacket, the light shining off his left arm and causing a dancing light to shift across the wall. Her mouth dropped open at the sight of it, and tears began to form in her eyes.

"Bucky," She cried, placing her hand on the metal slowly. "What have they done to you?"

"When I fell off the train, I lost my arm too. HYDRA created this for me, all the rest is a bit of a blur." He shrugged, letting his former friend run her hand over the pieces.

"Did it hurt?" Peggy asked, earning a glare from Steve.

"Steve, it's fine. It did at first, because they could control it. I've gotten used to it now, it just feels strange."

Peggy nodded, staying quiet as she looked at his arm. A silence enveloped the three, with Steve trying to process the information he had just discovered, Peggy trying her hardest not to cry and Bucky staying still with his eyes closed as more pieces came back to him.

"Did you really jump on a grenade, Steve?" Bucky frowned, remembering the night that Peggy had told his team that story.

Steve blushed madly and nodded.

Bucky laughed and shook his head. "That sounds just like you."

"You remember me?"

"Parts." Bucky nodded, enjoying how his face lit up.

Steve smiled, knowing that he was slowly getting his best friend back.

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