'Can we go see her?'

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"Where'd it go?"

Natasha tried not to sigh- she had been teaching Bucky how to use the tablet since they had found him, much to Steve's disarray. She could remember his pestering, about how he wanted to be the one to show the soldier how to use it, even though he barely knew himself.

"It's alright. The screen timed out again. Just press the button." She explained and he sighed.

"I'm never going to learn all this."

"Don't say that. You'll learn soon enough. You can't learn it overnight, there's a lot to know."

He nodded, continuing to use the device with her supervision. Over the past few days, she had shown him how to use the internet (which resulted in a drained battery and an impatient Bucky because he wanted to know more), new music (he was baffled by the headphones and had found several songs he had liked) and he had seen pictures of modern New York- the soldier was still under surveillance by Steve and Natasha, as they were both afraid he would run amok around the base and they would be caught.

"Thank you Nat." He had now taken to calling her Nat- something she didn't fully agree with but she let him do anyway as it seemed to make him happy.

"Having fun?" Steve asked from the doorway and Bucky looked up.

"Yeah. She's showing me pictures of London now." He smiled slightly, looking back down and studying the pixel-formed images.

"I'll sit with him a while." Steve said when Natasha had stood next to him.

"You don't have to." She replied, knowing that his company was almost making up for him not remembering Russia.

"It's fine, Natasha. Go for a walk, see if you can sneak more food up here."

The woman sighed, knowing that he had gotten the best of her again, and left the room quietly, leaving Steve to sit down next to Bucky.

"Hey..." He said slowly, looking at the pictures with him.

"Hello Steve. I remembered this time." Bucky chuckled slightly, awed by the picture of Trafalgar Square.

Steve smiled and nodded.

"You remember anything else?" He asked carefully.

The man nodded, putting the tablet to the side and closing his eyes, trying to make sense of it.

"A woman in a red dress... before this happened," He lifted his metal arm up then lowered it. "She ignored me and only talked to you."

Steve chuckled. "That's Agent Peggy Carter."

"Yeah, Agent Carter!" His face lit up, knowing that he had successfully matched a name to a face.

The other man nodded and went quiet, knowing that his best girl was still on bed rest, and didn't seem likely to come off it.

"Peggy... Is she?" Bucky asked slowly, noticing that he had gone quiet.

"She's still alive. Peg's gotten older, and she forgets things sometimes."

"Can we go see her?"

"I went yesterday, and her niece is visiting her tonight. I'll bring you along next time."

"Thanks Steve. Will she remember me?"

"If you wait outside with Natasha while I prompt her, she will."

Bucky nodded and thanked him, trying to see if he could make sense of anything else.

"You two... Did you ever actually kiss in the end?"

"Yeah. Right before I had to jump on this gigantic plane."

Bucky laughed slightly and nodded, remembering that he could feel the tension when they talked to each other in the 'pub'.


The man looked towards the other, waiting for him to continue.

"Natasha... Is she an avenger? Like you?"

"Yeah, she's pretty good at fighting." Steve laughed, picking up the tablet and searching for her file when Bucky asked what he meant.

The two stayed quiet, Bucky watching as Steve searched for the footage of her fighting on a mission they both went on.

"Here." Steve said, handing him the device as the security footage from a building played, showing the Black Widow take out several men within a few minutes.

Bucky watched in silence as she flipped around, kicking their legs out from under them and defeating them.

"She's impressive isn't she?" Steve laughed, knowing that he felt the same way when he first saw her.

It wasn't that Bucky was impressed- he had seen her, or someone similar, fighting before. Sure, he had experienced her fighting first hand when they were on the causeway, but this was different.

"Yeah... She is." He said quietly, deciding to play along with what Steve was saying.

"Who's impressive?"

The two men were both startled by Natasha, who had entered the room quietly.

"No... N-n-no one." Steve stuttered, grabbing the tablet from Bucky's hands and clearing the evidence that showed they had looked at her file.

She raised an eyebrow but shrugged it off, holding out a brown paper bag with some food in.

"Managed to sneak it out of the kitchen. I suggest eating the apples first."

Steve took it from her, passing Bucky the red fruit, then one to Natasha.

"Thanks." She nodded, biting into it and leaning against the wall.

Bucky thanked him as well, copying Natasha and taking a bite, only to notice her smirk and his confusion.

"What?" He asked, afraid he had done something wrong.

"Do you understand me?" Natasha asked him, the smirk still plastered across her face.

Bucky nodded, confused as to why she asked that.

"Maybe you should try speaking in English then. You said thank you to Steve in Russian."

He looked shocked, looking at Steve who was still frowning.

"I'm sorry." He started, looking over at Natasha who nodded to let him know he was speaking in English. "I know how to speak Russian. I don't know how."

The Widow stayed quiet, knowing all too well how he knew the language she held so dearly, as she didn't want to drop a bomb like that on Steve.

"It's alright Buck. I didn't know you spoke Russian, Natasha?"

She looked at him with a frown and waved her arms slightly. "I was born in Russia?"

"Oh yeah..."

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