'It's so different.'

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A few weeks had passed since they had found Bucky, and they were worried, as he seemed to be going crazy from lack of socialisation with people other than Steve, Natasha or Sam. Ever since Steve let slip about the Smithsonian exhibit dedicated to him, it was all Bucky could think about. He had been pestering the two for the past few days, trying to find out whether he was allowed to go or not.

They eventually gave in to his requests, coming up with a very detailed plan as to how they were going to get him out of the base without anyone noticing.

"Are you sure you know the plan Bucky?" Steve asked nervously- he had never tried sneaking someone out of a secure facility before.

"You've told me it a million times!" He replied in frustration, pulling his hood up over up his head to disguise him. "You go first, wait in the garage for us in one of the cars. Me and Natasha will follow afterwards, we meet you in the car and I stay at your apartment for the night. Then we go to the museum in the morning."

Steve looked slightly taken aback at how he had remembered it in such detail and he nodded, turning to Natasha.

"You know what to do if we're caught."

"We won't be caught." She rolled her eyes and pushed him from the room.

"Does Steve not want me to see his thing at the museum?" Bucky asked quietly, looking at Natasha.

"I think he's a bit embarrassed by it. When we all found out, we laughed, I mean it must be strange. Having an entire museum exhibit dedicated to you because you apparently died." She joked.

"Do you think I should go, Nat?"

"Yeah. Hopefully seeing some of the stuff there will trigger something and you might remember something new."

"That's the plan." He nodded and smiled slightly.

"You nervous?" She asked, knowing that his answer would be no.

"Not at all. If we get caught, will you be in trouble?"

"Probably. But no more than usual, so it's not a big deal. I've been in trouble before, a lot. Don't worry about me." She smiled as her phone rang, letting her know that Steve was ready.

"Let's go." She led him from the room, down the corridors in the dark.

He stayed quiet, not wanting to give them away.

Natasha quickly pushed him into a room, noticing someone come down the corridor.

Bucky held his breath, leaning against the wall and hoping she wouldn't be in trouble.

"Agent Romanoff. What are you doing out here at this time?"

"Couldn't sleep. Thought I'd go for a walk."

"Carry on then."

He stayed quiet until Natasha opened the door, to which he looked at her in shock.

"What?" She asked, continuing with their plan.

"Nothing, it's just, I've never known anyone to be able to lie as quickly as you." He replied quietly, following her.

'That's because you taught me how to lie.' She thought to herself, eventually reaching the garage and leading him inside.

"Over there." She pointed towards Steve, who was leaning against one of the cars with his arms folded.

"What took you so long?" He asked, getting in the back seat as Bucky got in the front with Natasha.

"I'm sorry but some random Agent was roaming the corridors." She rolled her eyes, driving quickly out of the base and towards Steve's apartment.

Bucky stayed quiet for the drive, looking out the windows at all the new buildings, awed by it all.

"It's so different." He replied when Steve asked what he thought of it, which earned a small laugh from both of them.

The trio eventually reached Steve's apartment, and Steve led them inside, Bucky looking around in awe.

"This is yours?" He asked, looking through his collection of music. He knew all of these songs, they were from the war.

"Yeah. Shield helped me find it," He started, looking around. "What I didn't know was that they chose a place that had agents located on each floor." He glared at Natasha who raised her hands in mock surrender.

"Wasn't my idea, Rogers. Blame Fury, not me." She rolled her eyes, sitting down on his couch.

The two watched as Bucky walked around, looking at all of Steve's apartment room by room.

"He needs to go to sleep. I want to get this over and done with as soon as possible tomorrow." Steve sighed, rubbing his face.

Natasha got up, walking to go and find him.

"James?" She asked softly, finding him in Steve's room looking around.

"Yeah Nat?"

"You need to go sleep. Steve doesn't know it yet but I'm taking you to Central Park." She smiled, holding her finger to her lips showing that he should stay quiet about it.

"Really?" His face lit up and he smiled.

She nodded, her smile fading slightly when he pulled her into a hug.

"Thank you for everything Natasha. I really appreciate it." He said, and she smiled again slightly as she wrapped her arms around him.

"You're welcome. If there's anything else I can do for you, just let me know." She replied, leading him to Steve's spare room when he had let go.

"Done?" Steve asked when Natasha came back in.

She nodded and he frowned.

"I don't get it. He's more comfortable around you than he is me. Why?"

Natasha came to a still, trying to work out a suitable answer.

"I think he feels pressured around you because he knows that there's things he hasn't remembered yet," She started, preparing herself to lie for the next part. "We don't have any history, so he doesn't feel under pressure around me I guess."

Steve nodded, staying up with her a while longer before eventually falling asleep next to her on the couch.

She looked over at him sleeping, drinking his coffee to keep herself awake.

She must've fallen asleep at some point though, as she woke up staring at the ceiling.

'Steve's room?' She thought, getting up and walking through to see the two older men eating breakfast and listening to music they both knew.

"Morning sleepy head." Steve laughed, pointing towards the cereal that was on the counter.

"Who put me in your room? I don't even remember falling asleep." She frowned, grabbing some and leaning against the counter.

"I did. I woke up early, Steve was trying to work out whether to wake you up or let you sleep, so I took you into Steve's room so you could sleep. I'm sorry." Bucky looked up at her and then continued eating.

"It's alright, don't worry about it." She smiled, finishing the food she had made for herself and waiting for the other two to be ready.

About ten minutes later they were finally ready, and Bucky was so excited he was almost jumping off the walls. They headed down to the museum, Natasha staying quiet and following them as Steve led Bucky around.

"I remember those." He nodded towards the outfits and pictures of the Howling Commandos and Steve smiled.

"Really?" He asked happily and Bucky nodded.

"Yeah... That one was mine."

Natasha watched as the two reminisced, feeling happy for them. Deep down though, she was wondering why he couldn't remember her.

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