'Same old James Barnes.'

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Their moment of being reunited didn't last long. Steve burst in several minutes after they had kissed, and was appalled to see him with her arms around her.

"What was it you remembered Buck?" He demanded to know and Bucky glanced at Steve for a moment before looking down at Natasha.

"I'm so sorry I didn't tell you Steve." Natasha said, turning around to face him. Bucky took his arm from around her and put his hands in his pockets, deciding to play it safe.

"When did you two ever..." Steve trailed off, looking between the two.

"When Nat was being trained, I was sent to the Red Room. To show the girls how to fight properly." Bucky started while Natasha instructed the agent she was training to go and take a break.

"I was about 15, 16? I honestly can't remember how old I was, but I asked for him to train me in private. Sort of like extra sessions. I don't remember how it happened but it turned into time where we could hide and be with each other." Natasha looked down as she carried on where he had left off.

"We were caught one day, and we were separated. I was wiped again and wasn't sent back. I don't know what they did to Nat. Steve I'm sorry I didn't tell you right away. I just had to come down here and see her. After all the brainwashing I finally remember everything."

Steve looked between them before pulling his best friend into a hug. "It's alright, Buck."

Bucky smiled and hugged him back, letting him go and talk to Natasha.

"Natasha? Why didn't you tell me? Who knows?"

"Other than us? Clint. I told him everything when we became friends, he told me not to tell anyone else. I'm really sorry, but I don't know who to trust with my secrets. I didn't even know he was the Winter Soldier until a few years back."

Steve sighed then pulled her into a hug as well. "Don't worry about it. I know now, and that's okay."

He pulled away, standing in front of them and smiled. "Don't let me stop you."

Bucky smiled back before snaking his arm around Natasha's waist, pulling her closer to him.

"Are you two a thing again then?" Steve asked, raising his eyebrows slightly.

"I've just found out he remembers. I have no clue. I guess we can talk about it later?" Natasha replied, asking the last part as she looked up at him.

"Yeah. You've got to go finish your teaching."

Natasha nodded then left the two men on their own, beginning to attend to the agent again.

"You gonna get back with her?" Steve asked as they both watched Nat show her how to punch.

"If that's what she wants. I don't want to force it just because we had something."

"Same old James Barnes. Getting all the women with your smooth talk."

"Shut up." Bucky chuckled, hitting Steve's arm lightly.

The two laughed slightly at Steve's joke, then fell silent as they watched Natasha continue to train the agent.

"You want to go over there." Steve commented as he noticed the longing for him to hold her.

"I haven't hugged her in almost ten years, Steve. Of course I want to. Mainly I just want to hold her, I know she's been hurt without me. I just want to be the one to let her know everything is going to be okay."

Steve watched him as he spoke, seeing how his eyes lit up when he spoke about her.

"You were never like this for the women you met during the war. You're serious about Nat."

"Of course I am. She was there for me when no one else was, and I returned the favour. I don't know if she still feels the same way though."

"Well I should hope she does, she just let you kiss her and put your arm around her."

"She isn't with anyone, is she?"

"Not to my knowledge. But I'll leave you two to work out the details."

Bucky nodded and carried on watching as Natasha dismissed the agent, then walked up to them.

"Done?" Steve asked, raising an eyebrow.

"More or less. She just got a cast taken off after a few weeks, wanted someone to show her how to throw a hard punch again. I had nothing to do." Natasha shrugged.

"What are you two going to do now?"

"Now?" Bucky asked, pulling Natasha's arm slightly, making her fall into him. "Make up for lost time I think." He finished with a slight smirk.

"Oh dear. Well, I'm going for a walk..." Steve laughed then left them alone.

"God I missed this." Bucky sighed, wrapping his arms around her as they stood alone.

"So did I." She replied softly, leaning into him.

"Why didn't you tell me how I knew you, Nat?"

"I didn't want to hurt you, or make it sound like I was crazy. Plus, it would've been too much for you to handle. After everything, you didn't need that on top."

"I wouldn't have minded. Knowing that I've been sitting next to you all these months doing nothing when we could've been hugging or whatever..."

"A few months. Ten years. We're with each other now. That's all that matters."

Bucky nodded, kissing the top of her head softly.

"You're not seeing anyone, right?"

"No." Natasha laughed, wrapping her arms around his neck.

"Good. Come on, let's go walk and talk."

She nodded, letting him take her head and lead her from the room, outside as they began to walk around the grounds.

"Did they do anything to you? After we were caught?" He asked after a while, not that surprised when she nodded.

"Yeah. It wasn't nice. You don't want to know."

"No, I do. What'd they do to you Nat?"

Natasha sighed before talking. "They knew that I could hear you screaming while you were being punished, so they made me listen. Then they punished me quite a bit, decided to try out new ideas on me as punishment."

"What do you mean, new ideas?"

"You really don't want to know, you'd be mad. I'll tell you some other day."

Bucky nodded, squeezing her hand.

"What else have you done since I left?" He asked as they carried on walking around.

"Joined SHIELD about six years ago, it was either that or be killed. Almost got killed a few times, got new weapons. We found out you were The Winter Soldier, you know the rest."

"You were almost killed?"

"I'm still  here, aren't I?"

He stopped, tugging on her arm so she span into him.

"Yes you are." Bucky grinned, kissing her head as he put his arm over her shoulder, continuing to walk with her.

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