Author's Note + Soundtrack

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i am so fucking upset

i am so fuckiing sypsete



okay i need to be serious but i can't bc I'm listening to polarize and it reminds me of skylar and ashton driving through the desert and wow i hate myself

alright hello! i am posting this here because i always like to put final author's notes and there's some cool info at the end of this!

so this story is now over, which really sucks for me (bc this was always my favorite to write) but i am also feeling a lot of happiness right now because i finally finished it! this book took me so long to write and I'm very proud of myself! i can still remember when i was  a freshman in high school and I was standing in front of my mirror and i was just like "holy shit what if i wrote a fic where ashton was this super badass and they went on a big road trip because they need to pay some dude back" and now I'm one day away from being a junior and its all finished!

i don't want to make this super long and boring but i really wanted to thank you guys for reading this story and always voting, commenting, and messaging me about it because i honestly never thought it would be as successful as the chase/shattered were. i was worried that those two books would be popular and then that would be the end of it. i was worried that nobody else would care to look at my other stories and see that i have made improvements from those two monstrosities of poor writing and spelling fucking definitely wrong bc i was an idiot.

honestly now that you've all read this story you all know what kind of person i am: i just love violent and sad shit like it's literally what i live for. add ashton in there and that's my dream fantasy. like this whole book was literally a summary of all my fantasies and i'm very relieved to see other people like this kind of stuff bc i was kinda worried about me.

i'm very sad to see this end, but it's okay! i have 3 other books (and another ashton one in mind hmmm) to write and i'm super pumped to get back into those! unfortunately, since school literally starts tomorrow for me, i don't know how often i will be updating, but my goal for this summer was to finish burn and i'm very proud of myself haha.

also, thanks to all the messages you guys send me and comments i read from you guys, i believe that wattpad has truly helped me discover what i want to do when i grow up. as i said i'm entering my second to last year of high school and i'm starting the whole college-planning process, and now that i know i want to be a writer, it's motivated me so much to get my shit together this year. so thank you soooo much because it means the world :D

ALSO THIS IS THE FUN PART OF THIS AUTHOR NOTE i made a soundtrack! i figured that since i spent so much time on this book, i might as well polish it off with a soundtrack full of songs that explain the story! so i made a Burn soundtrack, and you can find it on either 8tracks or spotify! but i apologize in advance for it's length; i kinda got carried away and the playlist is literally 4 hours long oops.

i highly recommend listening to the songs in chronological order because i set the songs in a specific order that follow the story's plot; the first few songs introduce the story and the characters, and then the rest of them follow through the beginning, rising action, climax, falling action, and resolution. and i spent a bunch of time putting them all in order so hopefully i did a good job of that haha

you can find the soundtrack here: or just find my profile, my username is THlNKINGOUTLOUD (the first "i" is actually a lowercase "L") ---> and the link will also be in my bio bc i don't think you can copy and paste from this thing

or on spotify if you like that better, my spotify username is ellvna (you can also follow me bc why not)

(personally i recommend listening to the 8tracks version bc you won't know which song is next and it's like a mystery and yeah I'm sorry for all these directions for a fucking playlist but i just want ya'll to have a good time)

okay I'm not gonna waste anymore of your time bc I'm rambling now. again, thank you so much for reading this and enjoying, all the times my hands felt like they were about to break off and bleed from typing were worth it!

and you know me, i love a good chance to self promote, so if you'd like to follow me on any of these things that would mean a lot!

youtube: ellenawhat (I'm into youtube now idk why)

twitter: illegallyirwin

instagram: ellena.jpg

and yeah that's all i can think of right now

again, thank you guys so much for everything! please check out my other stories if you'd like, hopefully they're gonna be good too!

okay i hope you have a good day and i love you!! -ellena

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