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Bill's pov :

"Argh... I hate this God forsaken Pines family! "
I screamed in frustration. Five Years already... five YEARS ..... since they have banned me from their world thinking they had beat me. Five years since I last tasted the sweet sweet taste of success and failed miserably. And for what? I am trapped in the mindscape and can't think of a way to escape. My safe place has become my cell - ironic really.

But they think they destroyed me... ME?! Ahahahahaaaa

They dont know I am alive.

They dont know I will return.

They dont know that I will get my revenge.

They dont know that I am always...


Dipper's pov :

After eating Mabels candy, cheese sticks and lots of chips I went outside with a full belly and empty mind. Not only to escape Mables complaints but to visit my favorite spot. On my way through the cozy and very familiar shop Wendy asked if she could join me. I told her that I was going to see my "girlfriend", since I wanted some alone time right now. My crush on Wendy has been gone for quite a while and we have been having a mutual understanding of each other. She probably understood right away that I just used Pacifica as an excuse but since Wendy is Wendy, she did not bother mentioning it. Grunkle Stan was busy counting his money and Stanford was doing a tour with a bunch of  costumers.

I went straight to said place in anticipation of some freedom and calming nature - a waterfall in the woods about 45 minutes into the center of the dark pine trees surrounding our shack. Upon arrival I sat down in my usual spot taking all of the surroundings in and begin reading my book: Stanford's diary. The waterfall functions as an escape route but also as a place to be unnoticed while analyzing the cryptic messages in the old diary which I am not allowed to touch nor read.

Suddenly, I felt this odd feeling again which had been following me for quite a while now. It felt as if somebody was watching me. Usually my instincts or gut feeling didn't betray me but each time I sensed this feeling of being watched, nobody was around who could be watching me. It was weird and I was not sure how to feel about it since it was starting to freak me out.

But as always, I decided to ignore it.

Bill's pov :

"Oh poor stupid little Pine tree. Ignores his biggest enemy."

I flew around him as I always did and thought of ways to kill him. Death. So close yet so far out of my reach.
I watched the almost grown up boy, sitting there near the waterfall, searching the pages of the damn book for wisdom and knowledge. His features get all serious when he concentrates and he usually ruffles his curly hair when he gets stuck on an especially difficult passage. His long legs are crossed and shaking one of his feet nervously. Humans would call him conventionally pretty. I just found him interesting.
I flew closer to him, hovering above his shoulder and glancing down at the pages in Front of us. My eyes widened at the Images displayed. This was a possible solution for my biggest problem - escaping the mindscape in human form. It bound my demon body but this transfiguration solved this issue by leaving that part behind. Taking deep breaths I quickly memorized the pages hoping Pine tree wouldn't skip these highly important pages.
But the boy seemed just as amazed by the display as I was since his hungry eyes tried to take in as much as possible.
These hungry eyes would shut down soon, soon I could get my revenge. My heart skipped a beat as I read the following paragraph. My heart dropped and I couldn't refrain from rolling my eyes: „of course there's a condition."

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