Lessons +

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Bill's POV :

Goddamn it pine tree... he was so close ...so. close. yet he's just slipping away. After our encounter last night, I have been having my doubts about my appearance. Was I not appealing enough for an 18 year old boy? That could not be it, I knew what effect my looks had on people. But what was I supposed to do? This turned out to take more than a few weeks....I had conjured this house because my plan took longer than expected and because it was the perfect place for tutoring lessons without interruptions.
I had to do SOMETHING or my plan would fail completely. It wasn't like I was running out of time or something, it was just hard to not actually find an interest in the kid. The more time we spend together, the more I got to know him beyond an enemy's perspective...the harder it got to actually hate him and use him for my revenge. I need to speed up our relationship :"Ahhh yees ! The lesson! AHAHHAHAHHAHAAA" That was THE chance to get him to fall for me. I flew to my phone and called Stanley.

Dipper's POV :

When Grunkle Stan told me about the  lesson with Mr.Pherill I was about to drink some Pitt cola and spitted everything out. "WHAT?! TODAY?" I ignored Stans confused look and went upstairs to get ready. I had completely forgot about that while my thoughts had been occupied with revisiting last nights walk.
I was really nervous and asked Mable without even thinking about it, which red shirt looked better. She grinned wickedly and left the room while simultaneously screaming and laughing :" EHEHEHEHEHEHEEEEE I see you Dipper....I see you ...." I had a really strange sister.

After she left I noticed what I just did.. Oh no...she will probably let her Imagination go wild and think some weird things as for example: me having an affair with my teacher...:" Yeah right, as if! I could never have a crush on him, I am not interested in guys or something like that, I think.... It's not like I am into his looks, I mean I can acknowledge when someone is attractive, which he is, but still. Plus, his personality is nice but enough to have a crush on him? Noooo...probably not, even though when he smiles- Oh fuck... who am I kidding, I have a crush on him. I face palmed myself and walked over to the mirror. "And what's wrong with that? I can have a crush, it's no big deal, just don't make it awkward. For now you just like the way he talks about your favorite things and you look up to him. Yeah thats right you dont like- " I stopped midsentence because suddenly MR.PHERILL STOOD IN DOOR FRAME! Eyes wide, I watched him in shock. Standing there. In my door frame. Almost too tall for the room. I turned red which made him smirk, eyes sparkling mischievously. Knowingly.
"Eh..eh..eh h-how l-long are you-you already been standing he-here Mr.Pherill? Ehm I-I thought, I was supposed to come to your place?.." He raised an eyebrow:" Oh don't worry I didn't hear your little monologue about not liking a certain him...even though I really want to know who that person is that you have been talking about...But don't worry I will keep it a secret. Our little secret ok?" He actually winked at me. I am not. ok.

I just nodded and said :" Ehm I think I am ready to go." And looked at my feet so that he couldn't see my burning cheeks. He smiled, starting to walk out of the room and gave me a sign to follow him. At the front door he held the door open for me so that I had to pass him in the door frame. Already preparing myself for the touching of our bodies, my breathing got faster. As my bare arm slide past his muscular body, I took in a sharp breath. That was too much for my imagination.

His house was unfortunately really pretty, big and cosy. Too big for one person living on his own, I was deep in thoughts and therefore didn't think about what I asked:" Are you líving by yourself?" After having said that I covered my mouth. When Mr.Pherill saw my shocked face, he laughed and said :" Interested? Well sadly yes. Theres no Mrs.....or Mr by my side." I swallowed loudly and followed him to his living room.

Bill's POV :

I couldn't stop smiling. It was so easy to get Dipper to trust me at this point. Why was I even worried? He's not as smart as I thought he was, or maybe my cover was just outstanding. Well good for me.
He sat awkwardly on the chair at my kitchen counter which was farthest away from me. "Don't be shy - I dont bite" Not yet. I made my way towards one of the three couches in the living room, sitting down with a loud sigh. Looking at him expectantly: "Come here. It's way more comfortable that way and won't feel so awkward." I tapped on the free place next to me. He walked shyly towards me and took a seat without looking into my eyes. So cute.
This could get truly funny.

-Mysterious timeskip-
After actually working for 2 hours straight, Dipper was comfortable enough around me and not nervous anymore: he was in his study mode and listened to everything I said. Although he still avoided eye contact. But I started to become bored, all that tutoring without having actual connections or deep talk, was tiresome and not entertaining at all. That could be changed. It was amusing when he was nervous or fluttered :" Let's take a break Pine-I mean Dipper. Let's go to the kitchen and drink something. Are you thirsty? I have water, coffee, wine...." First he was confused, then he realized that I wasn't talking in German anymore and stood up slowly. He nodded and followed me into the kitchen. "I just want a glass of water." I had decided to tease him a bit, so I brushed my hand slightly over his while giving him the water. I saw the goose bumps all over his arm. Hehe. I couldn't get enough of tomatoDipper and decided to look how far I could go. I touched his underarm and asked in false concern:" Oh my! Are you having a fever? You are burning hot, I shouldn't be making you work like that." I got the wanted reaction - he blushed. "N-NO ...i mean I am not that cold ehm I just.."
-"You just what Dipper? Aren't you feeling well?" His skin turned even hotter under my hand, which I transferred to his forehead and covered his birth mark.
-"No no thats not no - I feel very good you're home is really nice..."
- "Its ok. Don't feel ashamed, you might have catched a cold. It is getting chilly at night." I knew that he blushed because of me and not because of a cold. After he insisted that he was not getting sick and that his boiling body temperature was just temporary, we head back to the living room. When we got back to work he wasn't the same anymore. He was high-strung, which I enjoyed to the max.

Dipper's POV :

Mr.Pherill sat a little too close to me. His leg touched mine and our arms touched as well. I could hear his breathing and see his jaw line and his extreamly muscular arms and his big hands and the tidily cut nails on his enormous slender hands. I was able to smell his citrusy shampoo and- "Do you like what you see?" He smirked cockily. I hadn't noticed that he was staring at me as well.
"NO! I mean I didn't ! I mean I wasn't -"
"Don't be so shy Dipper - I like my body too, I am used to stares." I got slightly angry, how can somebody be so confident?! I averted my gaze and coughed nervously.
Afterwards, he just pretended, as if nothing had happened which I was very thankful for. He was my teacher after all. As he searched through a few documents , he accidentally cut himself. I rose to my feet and watched the blood on the paper, then I saw his look - he smiled like a psychopath. "I-I am going to search for something to stop the bleeding."
From the kitchen I could hear him laugh.
"Pain is hillarious."

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