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Dipper POV :

After the lesson ended, I had biology. Mable was with me - she even sat next to me. Probably because her other friends weren't with us this time. When our teacher Mrs. NackleJimrum walked inside the classroom, Mable whispered :" Heeeeeeey....Dippeeeeeerrr...." (And btw during that she spit into
my ear)I squirmed back and looked at her disgusted. But she just rolled her eyes and hit my shoulder...hard. "How was your day so far? I mean without me? I know you can't be without meeee." I furrowed my eyebrows and just shook my head. " Confusing." Is all I could answer. I couldn't possibly tell her that my physics teacher drives me insane with just a seductive look.

My twin sister is also very confusing sometimes - and I should actually know her the best ... so she might even think it is "cool" to find ones teacher hot... more or less... but I just ignored the thought and listened to the old croaky voice of Mrs. NackleJimrum.

Bills POV :

After the last lesson with little Pines kid, I went into the mindscape for a while to collect my thoughts. How long has it been since I was so invested into something? How long have I been bored day for day by my demon companions and waiting for a new spark in my dull life. Suddenly, I started laughing uncontrollably. This is actually going to be fun. This is going to be so much FUN!

I couldn't get into my normal three shaped form because of the curse but soon... I just needed one of the mystery twins. The best option and more comfortable twin was Dipper since Mable scared even me sometimes. Through Dipper's trust I could get the book. And with the book I can take revenge on Stan and his whole family.

Back in reality I checked my schedule and had to laugh even more...

"Oh Pinetree... this is going to be fun...."

Dippers POV :

After biology I had two hours of German.. I don't know why we learn it - but one thing is clear... I am absolutely bad at it. I walked in thoughts along the hallway and bumped straight into someone. I mumbled sorry and wanted to walk past, but the person grabbed my arm and placed me infront of them. When I looked up, my eyes widened and I gasped :" S-sorry! " Mr. Pherill looked down at me and grinned :" Watch out Pine- I mean Dipper. You have German next, you should better hurry and stay focused. No dreaming at school. Understood? " I asked myself why he knew my time schedule but brushed it off still mesmerized by Mr.Pherill's strong grip. When I entered the classroom, I saw why Mr.Pherill knew which subject I had next, he was my substitute teacher for German... was there anyway I was able to have a normal calm school year?

He greeted the class with "Guten Morgen" and we repeated after him. After taking our seats the chatting about his good looks started anew. I wondered how he could endure it each session. During class I realized that his German skills were actually incredible. When it was my turn to introduce myself in German, I could tell that I had done it completley wrong. To put the lesson into a nutshell : me - making mistakes. After the lesson, Mr. Pherill cleared his throat and gestured me to come to him. My heart beat automatically fastened and I nervously looked around the room to check if someone else was left. We were alone.
Mr. Pherill slowly moved around the desk and sat on top of it while crossing his long slender legs and brushing his hand through his blonde hair. He smiled at me with cat like eyes and tilted his head in an almost flirtatious manner. I slowly walked up to him unsure if I should sit down in front of him or just stand.
"Dipper I am sorry to say so, but I could not help but notice that you struggle quite a lot in German class. You are an A- Student but German drags you down."
-" I know.." He shook his head and smiled :" If you want to, I could give you private lessons you know? My schedule is rather packed but I have time on Friday at 4 pm if that's alright with you? We live in a small town, so I don't really know any other teachers who speak German. I really think it could benefit you since you are a quick learner and with a little training, you can be top of your class in every subject Pines."
- "I...I don't know what to say. That's very kind of you.. but I don't think there are any school buses on Friday after 1 pm, so I don't think that will be possible.. still thank you very much for the offer."
Mr. Pherill leaned back with a knowing look in his eyes: "don't you worry about that Dipper, you can come to my home. Here *hands paper*, my address. So see you on tomorrow then?"
He actually had the audacity to wink at me as I left the room utterly devastated.

... private... alone... at a house... alone. We...alone...me...and...Mister Pherill..omg. I was already nervous.

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