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Bill's POV :

Everything worked out the way I had panned it to. I was already having paranoia of my plan failing... I survived so many failures - its just logical that i am careful. So far, I am Pinetrees teacher in two subjects, that means I am going to see him four times a week. In addition now a fifth time thanks to my tutor lesson. Latter will be crucial for me to seduce Dipper. Yes, I only want to seduce him because I need his trust NOT because O want to or anything... yes yes...All in all everything so far worked out perfectly.
"He HAS to trust me.. that's all that matters... that's all that is important since the beginning... " I mumbled to myself and flew through the mindscape. I just had to endure it for a little longer...

" Just a bit longer...
Just wait for me Pines family...
I am done suffering the curse."

Dipper POV :

It was late evening and already dark outside. I went out of the Shack and decided to go for a walk after doing tons of homework. The night sky was clear and you could see the stars. The only thing i could hear were some cicadas until suddenly somebody emerged behind me. It happens all so fast and quietly that I didn't have time to react. Someone whispered into my ear :" Maybe we will find the birthmark on your forehead in the sky, Dipper.." I jumped away in shock and recognition of the goddamn voice.

Why the hell now.. and why tf here?! And why him?... Mr Pherill stood in front of me and smiled gently down at me.
I was flabbergasted and just stood there until realized that i haven't answered yet :" Oh ehm.. eh good evening Professor... I haven't noticed you at all.. "

- " Oh thats okay - I hear that from time to time. Sorry if I startled you. And Dipper you dont have to talk this formal to me outside of school. I prefer - unlike most of the teachers at school- to have a nice relationship with my students. I think it's also better for them to learn this way :)."
I just stood there and nodded .
He continued :" Anyways.. It's a nice night for a walk - would you mind if I join you?"
If he was actually serious, I couldn't tell. He was my teacher - even if I felt uncomfortable with the idea of being alone with him once more - I couldn't possibly say no: "Yeah... sure." Oh well nice Dipper... that sounded like you didn't want to go. Great. I felt a nervous shudder go through me as he adjusted his steps to my pace.
Mr. Pherill laughed: "Dipper, don't be so nervous - I am not a serial killer. I just want some company during my walk. I wanted to see the stars, it's a beautiful night isn't it?"
-"You also went out to see the stars?" I am not sure why I felt the need to have an answer to that question but it seemed important.
He nodded his head and smiled at me again: "You like watching the night sky? I have been doing it since I was a kid, seems like we have that in common."
I didn't realize that we have been talking for more than two hours when we entered the forest and neared my favorite river. I snapped out of the soothing rhythm of Mr.Pherill's voice. He didn't seem to realize our situation himself, since he now took my hand into his for a moment.
This was it for me. Cause of death: forgetting how to breathe. I was happy that it was dark, so he couldn't see the redness of my face. The gesture must be familiar for him since he didn't mind holding my hand at all. It appeared to be the most natural for him. I couldn't help but wonder if he was usually walking outside and watching the stars with his lover. Was Mr.Pherill gay? I don't know any other straight man who casually takes other man's hands...
"How old are you Mr.Pherill?" I interrupted his talk on the history of the river in front of us. His eyes widened and he looked down at our intertwined hands and quickly let go. "I.. I am 27. Sorry, I sort of fell back into an old habit of mine. I didn't mean to overstep your boundaries.." He seemed extremely uncomfortable and I had never seen him this way. He usually always had his expressions under control. I had to say something.
"No, no it's okay..I didn't interpret anything into it Mr.Pherill you don't need to worry. I just wanted to know something about you..." He seemed touched by that statement and smiled: "I feel like I know you Dipper, it's strange. I used to have a lover who was a lot like you. Please don't take this the wrong way, it's just that I get invested with people who fascinate me quite easily... But of course I shouldn't have taken your hand without your permission. I am still a lot older than you."
That thought haven't struck my mind until now. Even though I was already 18 and therefore legal (ehem.. didn't think about 21 because I am German oooops) there was quite the age gap between us. But that didn't matter when we were just taking a walk right? It's nothing more right? I was just making an elephant out of a mouse because of his good looks and friendliness and knowledge on everything I loved.

Bill's POV

I had planned to take his hand from the beginning, but in the moment I didn't even realize that I was doing it. I had taken his hand unconsciously because talking to him had felt good. Pure.
I hadn't realized that I missed the touch of another up until this moment. It was warm and comforting. It almost hurt when I let go. Just glad that I remembered the excuse I had come up with beforehand. I obviously had a lot of lovers in my lifetime and while the majority was fascinating, a lot just bored me to death. I couldn't compare Dipper to these lowlifes.
Wait. What was I just thinking? We weren't lovers. We weren't even friends. We were... what were we? What did I want us to be?
I still lingered on that thought as I parted ways with Dipper and stepped into the night.

Come to the dark side. (Bipper/Billdipp)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя