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Bill's POV :

I was looking down at a beautifully flustered Dipper. Not exactly the position I had in mind when entering the bathroom, but way better.
At first he tried to avoid eye contact at all cost and even tried to escape my grip. But I had nailed his wrists above his head and his legs between mine so that he couldn't free himself with the little human body of his. I trailed my look over his form and removed some hair out of his face with my free hand, which made his whole body tense. He finally glared up at me. Searching for an answer for our situation in my eyes. He was met with the lust that overcame my rational thoughts. I licked my lips, not liking the side that was about to surface if I didn't get off him any time soon. My thoughts travelled into a very dangerous direction... As he noticed my intense stare and probably the direction this was taking, his eyes widened and I could hear his heart beat pumping through his chest. Of fuck it, screw the fact that we are enemys I wanted this boy so badly. And I wanted him now.

Dipper's POV :

Mr. Pherill- I mean Damon was laying on top of me. His eyes were locked with mine, slightly trembling as if to control himself. At this point my heart was beating so loud that even the neighbours must have heard it. But all I could do was stare at his perfect lips. Right now there was nothing I would like to do more than kiss that goddamn teacher.
And I know that this might sound childish but I saw that he felt the same way. He leaned in closer and breathing was getting really hard. His lower body part was pulsating against mine and he slowly came closer to my face. As I felt his breath on my mouth I closed my eyes, waiting for our lips to meet.

But it never happened.

I opened my eyes again and found a shocked Damon looking out the window. All his muscles were tensed and all the lust from just a secound ago was gone.
I could hear a car parking in front of the Shack. At first I thought that he behaved like that because of what he was about to do to a student of the same gender and be discovered, until I saw it. The real reason for his weird behavior.
It was dark outside and the lights of the car were the only thing that were illuminating my room through the window. The beam of light was shining directly at the wall behind Damon and I was able to see something that neither of us wanted me to see.

Damon's triangle-shaped shadow.

Or should I say Bill's.

A/N :

I am soo sorry that this chapter is so super short but I mean like - that cliffhanger though. ♥

Please leave comments - I LOVE reading them ^^ Nyehe you sneaky Little Pervs

Come to the dark side. (Bipper/Billdipp)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя