Chapter 2

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Grace went into her room so me and Jace were alone. We walked down the corridor where we saw Clary and Simon walking hand in hand, and I went into my room and grabbed my laptop. Jace came and sat next to me on my silky bedspread. He put his arm around me and then noticed that I was staring at the laptop screen like I had seen a ghost. Jace turned to me and said, "What's wrong?" I pointed at the screen and showed him the paragraph that said:

'A 9 year old boy was killed in Idris yesterday evening. He went by the name 'Thomas Bane'. He was supposedly killed by a seraph blade to the heart. There were no blood stains on the victim as all of his blood had been drained from his body. Our sincere apologies to all of this young boy's family, who have lost a lovely child.'

Jace turned to me and saw I had tears rapidly falling down my cheeks. "That's why Grace is here: to tell Maryse that my younger brother was murdered," I said in a sob.

Jace gave me a hug, but there was a knock on the door and Clary and Simon entered. She looked at me and said, " Adelaide, are you alright?" I shook my head: this was too much for me to handle; I started crying more now and Jace hugged me tighter. He showed Clary the computer. She gasped and then rubbed my back and said, "Adelaide, it's okay, I have been in the same situation as you when I lost someone I really loved, but it will get better in time, I know Alec and Isabelle have been through this as well." 

I looked up and ran out of my room and down the corridor to where Maryse was with my younger sister. "YOU KNEW DIDN'T YOU, YOU KNEW THAT THOMAS WAS DEAD BUT YOU DIDN'T WANT TO TELL ME!"

Grace turned around and looked at me and then nodded. She then said, "I didn't want to tell you because I knew you should find out on your own".

I looked at her with an angry face then said " ON MY OWN AND YOU DON'T THINK THAT HAS JUST HURT ME MORE FINDING IT OUT ON MY OWN THAT MY BROTHER WAS DEAD AND YOU DIDN'T HAVE THE DECENCY TO TELL ME!" I stormed out of the library shutting the doors behind me, I raced up to the greenhouse and started crying. I was there for a long time, looking at all of the flowers and sitting down on the bench that I spent a lot of time sitting on with my brother, and I was trying to think what kind of person would do this to him.

Thomas's POV

I was standing in the park in Idris looking at the sky and looking at the towers that glittered when the moon's rays touched them. I heard a noise behind me and turned around, but it was already too late- a seraph blade hit me and I was instantly knocked down on the ground. I looked up and saw a shadow above me. "So long, little one." And just like that my life and blood was drained from me. The face of the person who killed me will forever be imprinted in my brain...

The Innocent Life of a ShadowhunterTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon