Chapter 4

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The next day, I woke up late and saw that Jace was sitting next to me on the bed, stroking my hair gently, trying not to wake me up. I turned to Jace who gave me a kiss on my cheek. I looked up at him then pulled him towards me then kissed him on the lips.

After a while I got dressed and met Jace by the library where I saw Isabelle, Alec and Grace sitting at the table reading books. When I entered they all looked up at me, and Isabelle ran over to me and gave me a hug, then said, "I am sorry to hear about your brother. If you ever need anything I will help you if I can." I nodded then looked over to my sister who was sitting in her chair not saying anything and looking into her book like I wasn't even there.

As me and Jace exited the library we went down the hall and I got a text from my shadowhunter friend Molly saying, 'outside now open the doors'. I walked over to the lift and hit the call button. Jace pulled me close to him for a moment and then said, "I think everyone knows about your brother and they are willing to do anything for you, as am I."

When Jace and I were in the lift I went over to Jace and gave him a hug as the tears rushed down my cheeks. He said, "I know this is hard for you, but I am here for you and I love you, and we are going to get through this together, okay?" I nodded then he gave me a kiss on the head. When the lift doors opened I saw Molly standing in the hall waiting for me; she gave me a hug then followed me and Jace outside. I explained to her what had happened to my brother but she didn't say anything; I think she was too shocked. Molly and I decided that we should go and tell my older brother Magnus bane what has happened to Thomas.

When we arrived at Magnus's orange modern apartment in the centre of the city, I let myself in and walked up the stairs. Jace had met Magnus before but I didn't think Molly had met him in person. We always used to have long conversations on the phone but I didn't think Molly had met Magnus since he moved out 7 years ago. When we walked through the door of Magnus's apartment, Magnus was sitting on the sofa practising spells and he had a fire ball in his hand. I clicked my fingers and it disappeared (this was because I had a little bit of magic myself). "You know you shouldn't be wasting your energy on simple spells like this."

He turned around and looked at me, then said, "Adelaide, what are you doing here? I thought you were at the institute and I thought at least you would call before you came and to me!" 

I nodded then said, "Yeah, sorry, but I came here to tell you that something bad has happened..." The smile fell from Magnus's face and he just stared at me. "It's about Thomas... I don't know how to put this but he- he was killed." Magnus stared at me in total disbelief, then he looked away. I knew he was upset so I went over to him, but he told me to go away and he just wanted time to himself.

I walked out of Magnus's apartment and down the street towards the park where I sat down on a bench and waited for Jace and Molly to catch up. Jace sat next to me but Molly was over at a stall buying some coffee; Jace slid his arm around my shoulder and I put my head on his shoulder. He said, "I really wish we could have some time alone so we could talk..."

I nodded but I knew that wouldn't be able to happen today. "We should have some time tomorrow."

He looked at me with a confused expression. "What's happening tomorrow?" 

I just laughed, "You will find out then!" He looked at me, then started trying to tickle me. "Please tell me, otherwise I will keep on tickling you."

I looked at him then shook my head; he started tickling me again. "No, no, stop...! Okay, I'll tell you."

He stopped tickling me, but then Molly walked over and said, "Tomorrow is Adelaide's birthday party!" I looked at her with a angry face, but Jace just looked at me and smiled.

Me and Jace were walking back to the institute with Molly and Jace pulled me towards him. "Jace, I'm sorry I didn't tell you that my birthday was tomorrow, but I didn't want you to get me anything because the only thing I want for my birthday is you." He smiled then kissed me again.

Then Jace said, "I didn't want to tell you, but my birthday is today. The only thing I want is you, too. I care about you so much; I think I'm in love you." I turned to him and gave him a hug and a kiss.

Later, at the institute, I saw Grace talking to Molly. Grace started walking over to me but I ran straight past her and went to my room.

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