Chapter 14

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 I placed my arms around his neck and slowly leaned in to kiss him. But before our lips touched there was a scream coming from inside the house. We looked at each other and then ran back towards the house.

As soon as we got to the mansion we knew something wasn't right due to the fact that the door was ripped off its hinges and the table that was directly opposite the door was thrown across the room. Me and Jace got out our seraph blades and ran into the living room of the house. That is when we saw them, Valentine and Sebastian Morgenstern fighting with my father. I quickly grabbed one of my ninja stars and threw it towards Sebastian. The ninja star lodged itself in Sebastian's shoulder. He quickly turned around and pulled the star out of his shoulder and threw it back at me, but I caught it between my fingers before it could cut me.

Sebastian started walking towards us. Me and Jace got into our fighting stances. Sebastian suddenly stopped walking and scanned us. Then, out of nowhere, a greater demon appeared and started to attack Jace. He quickly deflected the demon and then started to fight with it.

I looked back at Sebastian who was giving me an evil smirk. "Well I guess it is just you and me, Sebastian," I said to him.

He just grinned then replied, " I guess it is." Then he started walking towards me with his sword, Phaesphoros, drawn. I quickly grabbed my sword, Zar'roc (misery) and started fighting with him. 

After about 10 minutes of fighting I managed to knock Sebastian's sword away from him and was ready to deliver a vicious blow to him but then I heard my dad scream out. I looked over towards him and saw that he had been stabbed near the heart. After Valentine pulled his sword out of my dad everything went in slow motion. My dad slowly dropped towards the floor. I quickly dodged Sebastian and started to run towards my dad, but before I could get to him some demons appeared. I quickly killed them and ran towards my dad and caught him before he hit the ground. I looked towards Valentine and Sebastian but they were no longer there. 

I placed my father's head on my lap, then pushed his hair out of his face and placed my hand over his wound, trying to stop the bleeding. I felt a hand on mine and looked down at my father's face. "There is nothing you can do now for me sweetheart, but I want you to know that I am extremely proud of you and you deserve to be happy. Tell the rest of the family that I love them and that I am sorry I couldn't have seen them sooner, but I wish I could have."

I looked into my father's eyes and saw them turn glossy and slowly the life faded out of him. "I love you dad", I said to him with tears running down my face, then I felt him go cold. I slowly closed his eyes and rested him on the floor. 

I slowly got up off the floor and made my way towards the door. I found Jace outside the door fighting with a demon. I grabbed a seraph blade and helped him kill the demon. After we had killed the demon, Jace approached me and allowed me to hug him and cry into his shoulder. We stood there for about 10 minutes and then we pulled away. We then decided that it was time for us to send a fire message to the clave, telling them about what had happened, and allowing the to get something arranged for my father's funeral. I then created a portal and we went back to the institute.

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