Chapter 11

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Five minutes later, Jace walked back through he doors with everyone. I served up dinner and then took my usual seat next to Jace. "Wow Adelaide, this is great!" Alec said with a mouth full of spaghetti.

I felt a sharp pain in my leg so I moved my leg from under the table and noticed that it was bleeding. "Excuse me, I need to go and get something." I went out of the dining room and went to the infirmary and got a bandage and wrapped it around my leg.

"Adelaide, what happened?" I saw Jace rushing over to me.

"It must be Molly. She is my parabati, so if she is injured so am I, but it's only a little gash. I'll be fine, I just need to go and help Molly." I started to magic up a portal and when the portal was complete I walked into it and so did Jace.

When we got onto the other side we noticed that we were in a park just in front of Magnus's apartment. Molly was too busy fighting a greater demon to see us come through the portal, so me and Jace decided that we should try and get all of these demons away from her otherwise she would get hurt and so would I. Me and Jace started fighting the demons and got most of them away from her.

When we had finished Jace noticed that me and Molly both had a massive cut on our right leg but I quickly grabbed my father's stele out of my pocket and drew a healing rune on my leg which healed both me and Molly. Molly walked over to me and Jace then said, "Thanks for coming and helping me, what's this I hear about Thomas being alive?" Me and Jace told Molly what had happened. She couldn't believe it. We portal-ed back to the institute.

When we arrived back at the institute Molly went to find Thomas to see if he really was alive. Jace went back to his room while I went for a walk to think about things. After a while I went to Jace's room to talk to him. As I walked into his room I saw him sitting on his bead drawing over his runes on his arm.

I said, "I am sorry about what has been happening throughout this year and all of the fights that we have been doing, I know that it wasn't the smartest thing to do but I just want to keep my friends and family safe."

I went and sat down next to him. He looked up at me and stopped what he was doing and then started tickling me. We both lay down on the bed and just looked up at the ceiling. Jace propped himself up on one elbow and started tracing my lips with his fingers, after a while he put his arm over my stomach and pulled me to him. I started crying a little, and he hugged me and then said, "Do you want to talk about it?" I shook my head then stood up and went out of the room.

I went down to the library and saw that the portal was open. I noticed a world behind the portal but I didn't know where it was. Jace snuck up behind me and gave me a fright, but I didn't turn around. I put my hand up to the portal then walked towards it and stepped into it followed by Jace.


Hey thank you for reading my story, even though it is my first wattpad post it isn't over yet. There will be roughly two more chapters and then it will be finished.

Thank you for reading

Leah-emie xx

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