Chapter 9

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I remembered the rune I had used for projecting and I knew that I could use it to project my brother here; not for a minute but forever so then he would be safe with me. "Magnus, do you think it would be OK if I project Thomas here?" Magnus nodded. I drew my head back then chanted some words then Thomas appeared in front of me.

He ran out and hugged me. He then said, "I knew you would draw that on yourself."

I started crying, "Thomas, this is my boyfriend Jace; me and him will show you to the institute. Mother and Grace are there and they will be so happy to see you!"

Me, Jace and Thomas walked back to the institute. Jace and Thomas were talking about me and some other things, but I thought it was nice that they were both getting along so well. When we arrived we were greeted by Isabelle, who was astounded that my brother was still alive, but she hugged him anyway. I went to the library, where my mother and Grace were sitting at the table crying, but when I stepped in they turned to me.

"Mother, Grace you know what's been happening lately? Well, I can prove my brother isn't dead. Thomas," I called out, and Thomas walked in and then ran down the steps to our mother. I left the room to let them be together.

I met Jace out in the corridor and entwined my fingers with his. Jace and I headed towards my room to talk about what to do next. In the end, we both decided that tomorrow we would go and talk to Sebastian and see what he has to say about what has happened. Me and Jace stayed in my room until Isabelle came and told us dinner was ready.

We went to the dining room we saw Clary, Simon, Maryse, mother, Grace and Thomas sitting at the table talking with each other and having fun. Me and Jace sat down next to each other and listened in to the conversation; it was about what happened to Thomas. Maryse and Grace got talking about something to do with Sebastian, but they didn't figure out that I was listening in because I wanted to find out what Sebastian had done now. I found out that Sebastian was planning on getting more demons into the world.

I rushed out of the dining room and went down the hall to the weapons room; I needed to get some new weapons for what would happen tomorrow. I noticed a rusty old box sitting on a shelf in the corner of the room. It looked like it hasn't been touched for years. I went over to it, pulled out the box, and blew all of the dust of it. There was a name engraved into it...
............ it was my name.

I noticed the padlock on it. It was exactly like the key my father had given me before he died; I have kept it on ever since. I pulled the necklace off and turned the key into the lock. The lock opened and I opened the box, and inside was my fathers stele. It had my name engraved into it next to his, and there was a note under it saying:

'My dearest Adelaide,

Now that you are all grown up, I want you to have this piece of me. I want you to know that you will always be in my heart and I hope that with this you can protect yourself,

your father xxx'

I couldn't believe that I found something my father was meant to have given me but never did. I knew my father would have given me his stele but I didn't know that he would hide it from me and only give me a key. I exited the weapons room and went down the corridor back to my room.

I found my mother in my room sitting on my bed reading a book. When I entered the room, my mother looked at the box in my hands and said, " Where did you get that?"

I looked at the box in my hands and then said, "It was in the weapons room and I opened it and found dad's stele."

She got up and grabbed the box out of my hands and said, "You shouldn't have that; it's not yours. It needs to go back to the weapons room."

I grabbed the box back out of my mother's hands and then said, "No, it is mine! It has my name on it." She looked at me with shock then walked out of the room. I stayed in my room of a while because I was crying and I didn't want anyone to see me. Then I laid down and curled up into a ball clutching my father's box to my chest. I never wanted to let it go because it meant the world to me.

Jace entered my room with a smile on his face and came and laid down next to me and pried the box from my fingers. He noticed my name was engraved on the top and then placed it back in my hands. I handed him the note; he read it then placed it back in the box. He grabbed my hands then put them around his neck and kissed me. He knew how to always make me feel better. I cuddled up to him and then kissed him again.

After a while I got up out of the bed and drew out my father's stele. I noticed a rune on his box and remembered that it was the rune that my mother had on her left shoulder. I drew it on my arm. Then remembered that my mother always regretted drawing runes on her arm. She always thought that life was just a rune itself, with the ways it scarred us.

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