Chapter 8

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I went back to my room and practiced my magic. It was improving; I could now project myself from one place to another.

After a while, I left my room and walked down the corridor towards the library where I saw my mother, Grace and Maryse, all talking. I turned around and walked the other way back to my room, where I saw Jace leaning against my door. I ran over to him and gave him a hug, then said, "We need to go to Magnus's right away". Jace and I hurried to Magnus's apartment.

Before we got to the door, Jace held me back and said, "Do you want to tell me what this is about?"

I nodded but said, "It would be safer inside." I opened the door to Magnus's apartment and saw Magnus standing behind the door. He invited me and Jace in, and then shut the door behind us.

"Why are you here? I thought you weren't coming until later."

I nodded and said, "I came because of this." I pushed back my sleeves and lifted my arms, and a purple bubble appeared under them, growing bigger. Jace looked bewildered. I put my hands at my sides.

Magnus looked at me for a couple of moments, then said, "How long have you been able to do that?" I thought about it.

"About the same time I put this rune on my arm; a few days ago." I showed him the rune and he noticed that it was our brother's rune. Magnus walked behind me then hit me in the back. I floated upwards a few feet, then dropped and landed in Jace's arms. I could see everything but could not move.

"She will be like this for ten minutes. In the meantime, just relax. She will be fine." Magnus sat down opposite me closed his eyes. Experimentally, I tried to move my fingers, and to my shock, I found I actually could. Then I could move my arm, and before long, I could move my entire body. How could this be? It has only been three minutes since Magnus had put this spell on me.

I sat up on the sofa and saw Jace sitting in a chair, fast asleep. Magnus approached me and said, "How can this be possible? You should still be..." I felt a sharp pain in my head, and I collapsed back on the sofa. Then there was nothing.

"Adelaide! Adelaide, wake up!" My eyes fluttered open and I saw Jace standing over me. When he saw I was awake, he hugged me tightly. "I thought you were gone for a moment then, I was so scared!" I could see Magnus leaning against the wall. He looked like he was in shock. I sat up on the sofa.

Jace put my hands in his and then said, "When you were unconscious, you let out a kind of magnetic blow that blew everything except me and Magnus away from you, but Magnus was able to see into your mind. It was your brother. He was contacting you through that rune you drew. Magnus said he couldn't get rid of the rune because it was connecting you to him, so he could contact you. He is alive if you are alive and he is alive too because of your bond." I still felt kind of faint but I was alright to move. I had to stay with Magnus for tonight but Jace would stay with me.

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