Chapter 2: Intertwine

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"Ah. How I missed you so." Aya says opening the doors to the mall with a flourish, despite the voice in the back of her head telling her to get her ass back home. The sight of the crowd and the smells wafting from the food court shuts it up.

Taking a stand by the vending machines, she surveys the crowd when she sees a familiar face: Kayli. Head down and cleavage pushed up, Kayli swims through the crowd like a shark chasing its prey. The prey being a guy in a red coat.

Aya watches on in amusement, silently cheering her on. She pumps a fist into the air when Kayli snatches the unsuspecting guy's wallet. Thinking the show's over Aya waltzes behind the pretzel boy and snatches several samples when his attention is occupied by something else.

Something about a job offer.

Aya with the food in hand makes a hasty retreat, not noticing the story unfolding behind her. In a minute flat she had eaten all the tiny samples, which were not enough to fill her up fully, but it'll do for now. Passing by a men's clothing store Aya could've sworn she saw the girl from yesterday.

"I must be imagining things." Aya shrugs it off and enters the fabric store. Making a beeline for the clearance and discount sections. She practically jumps for joy when she finds a rod of champagne colored silk for a dollar per yard.

"Nobody appreciates the neutrals these days." Aya settles on buying the whole rod which would surmount to twenty dollars. Pulling her wallet out from the left side pocket of her black backpack, she checks it to see she had enough to buy it.

Thinking of all the leftover fabric she had back in "hell," Aya wonders whether she should splurge a little more or save her money. Her decision is made when she eyes some cheap jersey knit materials next to a wide array of pink fabrics.

The next twenty minutes was spent in Fabulous Fabrics and by the time she checks out, Aya's wallet is feeling noticeably lighter. With four bags in hand, two on each arm, she exits the store to turn in the direction of the Men's apparel store.

Only to knock right into someone.

Cursing, Aya loses her balance when she takes a step back in surprise. Her fabrics spilling out of their bags when she starts to fall backwards. Eyes closed Aya awaits her fated meeting with the cold, hard ground.

Except it never came because an arm slips around her waist keeping her steady. When she opens her eyes to find out who, Aya finds herself staring right into her past.

Victor sweeps his gaze over the girl in his arms, checking to see if she's hurt. When his gaze returns to her eyes, the cloudy grey color enchants him with a sudden familiarity. He couldn't place what exactly.

The longer he stares the more Aya's face heated. Trying to remain cool, she starts to stand upright, and Victor keeps his hand on her lower back. Gingerly applying pressure to help her up. This action inadvertently brought their faces close together, and this time Victor's the one who's blushing.

Getting up close and personal Aya bites down on her lower lip, her eyes not meeting his. Victor gulps unable to peel his gaze away from her face, a small fire lighting in his eyes. One that became put out when Aya gently shoves him away.

To Aya, he reminds her of a time she's longed to go back to. Shoving him away was her way of shoving those memories back into the recesses of her mind. However Victor felt like he suddenly got doused with cold water.

"Thank you." Aya tells him still unable to meet his gaze. Seven years later and she's still unable to face him straight on. The boy had a look that made her knees weak and face aflame. As long as she didn't look at him too long or too much, she could handle it.

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