Ch. 13: Liar Liar

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The past couple days have been rather eventful, and today is no different. 

I got to school early like I usually do for registration. Of course I lied to Helen again in order to get out of the house sooner. She didn't let me go easily because she trusts me, but because she can't be bothered to really care. As long as I come back in the afternoon and head straight back to work. Not like she can stop me from going anyways, unless she wants the school board to take notice of my absence. Probably the last thing she wants is having to bribe people to look the other way should they come snooping around.

It's happened before. Money equals power as some people say, and I only have less than two hundred dollars to my name. Not very powerful at all.

Whatever. It is how it is. I've accepted it a long time ago. 

Along with getting to the school early on this particular day, I also hide out in the library until it's time for me to go. Helping Ms. Weiss, the librarian, with her tasks should she need me. Another usual thing I do. The only thing that's unusual this year is the fact that I somehow got tangled up with nine peculiar boys and one sweet girl. I'm becoming fast friends with some and others...well, we're sort of getting there? I'm not exactly sure, it's been awhile since I last had a friend. Maybe the universe will be nice for once and not let things go sour like the last one. 

So far it's been going pretty well I'd say. Thanks to the phone Victor bought me, I'm able to text the guys and Sang, getting to know each one when I have the time. It made for some fun conversations for the most part. I've managed to learn the basics about each of them such as favorite colors and birthday's. I avoided the subject completely when it came to my own birthday. I don't like celebrating it, Christmas too. Not after what happened.

Besides the typical stuff friend's should know about each other, I learned a few other things:

From Gabriel he told me this ridiculously hilarious, but true story about a pool party where Luke lost his swimming shorts. 

Texting Kota ended up with the both of us getting into a heated discussion about books. I've also learned that he's a total fan of the Lord of the Rings. 

Silas makes for one fun and flirty conversation; I've lost count of all the silly pick up lines he used when I told him I'm such a sucker for bad jokes. 

Talking with Victor has mostly been us asking about the other. I'd edge around his questions about my home life and he'd do the same when it came to music. I know he's famous for his skills at the piano, but I don't understand why he avoids mentioning it. As if he's not proud of it. 

Luke on the other hand is basically flaunting his upstart business. He also told me about the church his Uncle is changing into a diner. Him and his little brother North are helping out in the renovation process.

Speaking of North, I've texted him a couple times. Asking harmless questions about likes and dislikes. His answers are always short and curt. Sometimes he doesn't respond at all. I can't help but feel like he doesn't want to talk to me very much. When I was texting Sang last night, she told me about when she first met Luke and North, it happened while I was at the school for open house. She made North sound like a nice guy. He didn't seem very nice to me now. Not that I care all that much...

And then there's Red. Who's the total opposite. He's been very responsive to my texts and I found out we have one thing in common, which is martial arts. He does Jiu Jutsu specifically, and I'm more experienced in Karate. I asked Nathan if he wanted to spar one day, and he agreed only after I riled him up a little. He was reluctant at first because he's worried he might really hurt me. Considerate and sweet, but I didn't like that he's underestimating me because I'm a girl. Nathan didn't say it, but I know that's what's going through his head. An image of fragile little ole me swimming in that noggin of his. He couldn't be any further from the truth.

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