~Author's Note 2~

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Okay so. I'm sure most of you guy's have noticed that I've kept the POV as third person, but I feel that I'm not achieving the goal that I always  have in mind when writing. Which is establishing a personal connection with readers and characters in the book. I want you to feel what the characters feel. To feel like you're in the book. And I don't think third person does that. So I've decided to experiment in switching first person POV's with the characters. To really give you insight on what they're thinking, and feeling. 

And to see whether or not I can understand CL Stone's characters. 

So here's how you can tell who's Point of view it is. A name will be in the middle, at the top, before a passage so something like this.....


-insert writing drabble here. Aye ooo-

And yeah that's it. If there's no name like above, assume that it's third pov. Hopefully it won't be too confusing and if it is, do not be afraid to let me know or ask for clarifications. I DO READ COMMENTS. EVERY SINGLE ONE. AND I APPRECIATE IT. Just giving y'all a heads up before I update. Also updates maybe slower now because I broke my phone.

Yeah. Not awesome.

Pretty much all chapters thus far have been written on mobile because its just more comfortable for me. All I needed is my thumb. But now I need to use my laptop and already my left hand is starting to hurt, since it's kind of deformed...it's not that bad I promise you lol. Don't let that imagination run too wild, it's just that the growth on the left side of my body is stunted.

Anyways enough about me. How about that latest installment of Scarab Beetle though? Raven is such a sweetheart and a bad ass and all that jazz. Makes me think of a question, if you could choose who to friend, marry, date, and screw any of the boys from SB who would it be?

My choices in that order are Corey, Raven (hell yes gimme that fruit cup), Brandon, and Axel. I think it can be agreed upon that Raven has the most s-x appeal. (Why the weird censoring? Don't want this part turned into a private chapter is why).

I have nothing else to mention...SEE YOU NEXT CHAPTER. :D

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