Chapter 7: Unfortunately

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Boarding the bus I take my usual seat in the front and looking out the window I see Silas, Kota, and Victor waving goodbye. Smiling I wave back to them as the bus pulls away. The further away I got from Sunnyvale the more I feel a heavy weight pulling me down. Dread, my old friend, always knew how to make my day turn sour.

I watch the scenery pass by as the bus drives into the heart of Charleston. Once we reach the downtown area the bus stops in front of a corporate building and some brand stores. Being closest to the door I'm the first to get off, and the streets are alive with people. Bustling with noise, and the aroma of spices from several ethnic food stands that are scattered around.

My mouth is watering at the thought of getting a snack from my favorite street vendors, a takoyaki stall managed by two middle age brothers hailing from Osaka, Japan. They would always give me extra servings on the house, and they never fail to cheer me up with their horrible but soulful singing of old Japanese folk songs.

Shaking my head I remind myself that I have to head straight home. Keeping my bags close I walk into the crowd, heading toward the neighborhood at the end of the street. The ever so familiar high walls, and regal mansions teeming with history welcome me when I get closer. Most people would think I should thank my lucky fucking stars to even be able to live here. If only they knew what I go through every day.

I hate this place.

Groaning I drag myself forward to a Victorian style house painted in a peach color, and instead of going though the front door, I go into a little alley before it. It's more of a narrow space that acts as a divider between houses, it's also where the dumpster is. The rich can be wasteful, and there are very few who are not. My so called 'family' are the former.

Trying hard not to gag at the stench, I walk over to the dumpster and climb up on top of it. With all the bags I'm carrying I end up teetering as I stand up straight and nearly fall off. Once I find my balance I turn to face my next challenge.

The Great Wall of Marble....or concrete...either way I have to hoist myself over 12 feet of this shit. The height of the dumpster helps tocut it down to an ample five feet.

First, I gently drop my shopping bags on the other side, praying to God my fabrics didn't get soiled with dirt. Then I threw my backpack over with a little less care. Lastly, I pull myself up to straddle the wall. From up here I could see the sun starting to set, and I feel panic bubbling up inside.

It's getting late and I realize I've been away for longer than I meant to.

Jumping down on the other side, I'm well hidden from the house since the tool shed is right in front of me. And a good thing too because I needed to roll around in the dirt to make it look as if I've been outside; Tending to the gardens this whole time.

For good measure I smear some mud on my face like its war paint. Then I cautiously poke my head out behind the shed, breathing a sigh of relief when I see that the gardener isn't within sight, neither are the maids. Looking at the back windows of the house I see that all the blinds are drawn closed. That is a good sign.

Feeling safe I cross to the other side where a smaller building stands. This is where the house staff spent most of their nights , and is the safest place for me in this hell hole.

I'm practically running by the time I reach the halfway point, because the space between the tool shed and the staff housing is an open yard; a huge pool takes up at least half of the space. There's nothing to shield me should any of the terrible three decide to look out and that would not be good.

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