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Zayn P.O.V
I woke up like seven to see Paul at the little ketchen. I got off the bunk and sat across from him. He looked at me,"What wrong." I shook my head not knowing what to say. "Your lieing." I shook my head. He put his papper down,"Tell me or I would recomand theropy to simon. I sogn defeated. I walked into the bunk part of the bus to see if everyone was sleep. Once I saw what they were I walked back to Paul and shut that little door. "Promise me you want freak out." He looked at me,"Zayn whats going on." I sat down,"I like Liam." I put my head on the table and begin to cry. He was silent. "Well, I approve and Im going to help you get him." I looked at him,"How? He clearly likes Sophia." He laughed,"Uh no he doesnt. He touches you more then her. Plus I dont like her." I chuckled,"Yeah OK."

Sophia P.O.V
I heard everything and its true. Liam barely even kiss me. Only in front of the camra. He is always touching Zayn. Hell, they even kiss. Well, it was a dare but still. I walked in and gave a fake smile,"Good morning boys." Zayn smiled brightly at me,"Good morning Sophia." I walked over to the couch. Soon all the boys were up. I smiled brightly at Liam. "Hey babe." He smile,"Hey." He sat beside Zayn.

Zayn P.O.V
Liam sat beside me. I smiled at him,"Do we have an interview today?" I asked confused. "No,but we do next week." I nod. He wraped his arms around my shoulder. Uh oh. My heart just skiped a beat. "So, why so quite?" Maybe 'cause Im in love with you. "Its nothing really." We locked eyes,"Are you sure?" I nod fakeing a smile. Sophia smirked,"Hey babe wanna go out in a few mintues. I heard that theres this new restraunat just a block away." Liam smiled,"Its a date." I looked down. I got back up,"Oh Zayn can I talk to you?" I nod and followed her to the back room. "What do you need?" I asked. She smirked,"I know that your in love with Liam." My eyes widend," I didnt mean too. I -It was an acident." "I know. I know and its ok,but rember he is mine and that he would never love a faggot like you." I ran. Thats all I could do. I ran off the bus ignoreing Paul and everyone else. I just ran not knowing what to do. Shes right he would never love me. I ran till I got to starbucks. I walked in outta breath. I sat down and grab my phone. The boys were texting me.

Harry:What happen???

Zayn:Im fine


Zayn:Im fine,nothing happen

Niall:What happen man?


Liam:R u ok Im worried about u
This bought tears to my eyes. I didnt reply back to Liam. I couldnt. I dont think I cpuld fave him again. How did my life come to this? I quickly wiped my tears and ordered. Once I was finish,I walked back to the bus. Once I got in. I was thrown into a hug and everyone asking questions. I forced a laugh,"Im fine." I walked back to my bag and grab some headphones. Liam walked up to me and said,"Are you sure your OK?" I kept it simple,"Fine." I walked back to the couch and sat beside Niall. I put my head phones in and close my eyes. Blocking out the world. I was just about to fall asleep when someone shook me. I pulled my headphone out and said,"Yes?" "Liam is sad." I shot up,"Why?" "because he thinks that your mad at him." I smiled,"Im not." I was about to close my eyes. When the blond smacked my arm,"Go talk to him." I sign,"I really dont want to talk." I got up and went to my bunk. I scrolled through twitter. I decided to post something

@Zayn_Malik: When you love someone. You know you cant have can be the hardest thing.

I sign and laied down. A whole year with him and his girlfriend is going to be tough.

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