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Zayn P.O.V
Oh yeah,I feel pumped for this concert. I woke up easily and I took an hour long shower. All of us were on ths same hall. Even Paul so I decided to wake them up. I might get in trouble but who gives a flying rat ass. I got a bull horn. I might have stolen from Louis and start runing up and down the hall singing."I WONT ACT MY AGE AROUND YOU. I WANT ACT MY AGE,I WANT ACT MY AGE AROUND YOU!" I kept saying that 'till Louis and Harry came outside their room with just boxers on. I stoped at their door and said,"THATS JUST VILE PUT ON SOME CLOTHES MR.AND MR.STYLES!" They blushed and went back in. I ran off singing Liam came out and smiled,"What are you doing?" I smiled and pulled the bull horn to my lips,"WELL MR.PAYNE I AM WAKEING UP EVERYONE!" He coverd his ears. "CAN I HELP!" He yelled. I nod like a three year old and he grab a bull horn. "Stoled it from Louis?" I asked he nod. I giggled. We ran back up the hall singing,"NO I WANT ACT MY AGE! NOOOO I WANT ACT MY AGR AROUND YOU!" Niall came out rubing his eyes like a liitle kid. Paul was behind him,red faced. Since Liam was beside me I said,"Should we run?" He shook his head,"Yes,Yes we should." We ran as fast as we could to my room. Paul was chaseing us. Louis,Harry and Niall were laughing. I fumbled for the card that was the key. "He is comeing." I nof and swiped the key and we ran in. We leaned on the door. We start to laugh. That was so funny. "Gosh,that was to funny." Liam said. I nod,"Yep,you should have seen what I did to Louis and Harry." He sat on my bed,"What did you do?" I chucked,"They came to the door with just boxers on and I screamed for them to put some clothes on. Mr.and Mr.Styles. They turned beet red and ran back in." He laughed and went to the middle of the bed. "Im still sleepy." I smirked then go to sleep. We still have two hours." He wined,"Sleep with me." I thought about this,"Fine,I would need my buety rest." I took my shoes off and went over to him. "You dont need buety rest. Your beautiful enough." I raise an eyebrow,"Oh really." He nod and yawned. I was siting up while he was laying down. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me down. I shuckled and layed down. His arm never leaveing my waist. I curled into him. I his arms felt perfect around my waist. I snuggled deeper into his chest and put my head in his kneck. He sign. Soon we fell alsleep.

Louis P.O.V
Zayn and Liam ran to Zayns room. Paul follwed behind and Harry and I are laughing. Niall and Sophia are laughing also. Paul cursed and said,"Go ahead and get dress." We nod and Harry and I go back to our room. I get back on the bed. "Louis we have to get dress." I groaned and said,"But I dont wanna." He chukled and hoped onto of me,"And why not?" I smiled,"I wanna go to sleep." He chuckled and nuzzled his head into my kneck. "Are you excited about the wedding?" I smiled and nod,"I cant wait." He chuckled into my kneck makeing me ticklish,"Soon you shall be Louis Styles." I smiled,"I cant wait." He laughed. Then start to kiss my kneck. He hit my spot and I moaned. He start to grined on me,"Harry." I moaned again. He moaned into my kneck. He pulled my night pants down. I bit my lip. He got back on top of me. He start to grind on me harder. I moaned louder. He smirked and kissed me hard. Paul knocked on the door,"I hope you guys are geting dress." We groaned. Harry looked at me,"Shower with me?" I nod and I quickly got up and ran to the bathroom. He laughed slaped my bum playfully. I squeaked and ran to the bathroom. Harry following. We went took a shower together and got dress. We walked out to find Sophia and Niall looking worried. "Whats wrong guys?" Sophia rub her head and said,"I cant fine Liam anywhere." The she faked sob in to her hands. Gosh she sounds like a pregant whale. "Sophia please stop crying. You sound like a pregant whale." I said. She faked gasp. Harrt tried not to laughed. "Yeah Zayn missing to." Niall said laughing. We nod."Well maybe there together." We nod and went to Zayn room. We knocked on the door. We heard a groaned. I looked at everyone. "Well..."Niall said. Paul walked by,"Whats going on?" "We are looking for Zayn and Liam. We think they are in there." Harry said. He nod and start to pull out Zayns key. He have a key to all of our rooms. He open the door and we went in. They were cuddled up together on the bed. Zayn half off-half on Liam and Liam have his arm around him. There legs tangled together. We all awed except Sophia. I took my phone out and took pictures. The boys following. "So cute." Niall said. I nod and faked wipe my tears,"My children are growing up." Harry steped beside me and put his arm around me,"They had to grow up some day." He wiped a faked tear. We laughed and Sophia started to scream,"LIAM WHAT THEY FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU!" Niall laughed along with us. They shot up. "WHY ARE YOU SCREAMING!" Zayn said still in his arms. Liam chuckled,"Love your screaming." He blushed and put his head in his kneck. I started to jump up and down with Harry,"HOLY CHEESE BALLS. THEY WOULD MAKE A CUTE COUPLE!" Niall was in the floor laughing. Sophia was red faced she grabed Liam hand and tried to walk out. He shook her hand off. He walked to the bed and picked Zayn up. Zayn squeaked and wraped his arms around his kneck. His head buried into Liam kneck. Liam smiled and looked down at him and I saw it. The love,that me and Harry share. Liam is in love with Zayn. He ran out with him. I smiled and gave Niall and Hwrry a knowing look.

Zayn P.O.V
Liam ran outside with me to the car. We laughed and I was still in his lap. When the boys came and Sophia. She looked pissed,but I didnt care cause I was in the arms of the one I love. Liam snuggled into my shoulder and I smiled. "You smell like roses." I luaghed,"Well thank you for that update." He laughed. He looked at me and I looked into his eyes. I can get lost in his eyes. Our foreheads touch. I forgot about the rest. He tickled my side and I giggled. "Stop Liam." He laughed. "You still smell like roses." I burst out laughing. He bite his lip,"Your laugh is addicting." I chuckled and he rub my face. Our foreheads touch. We still had that silly smile on our face. "Can you please get off of him?" I looked down and saw that I was still on his lap. I slid into the seat beside him. I put my head on his shoulder. He slid his arms arms around my waist and I smiled. She scoffed and turned her head. Niall,Harry and Louis had a goffy smile on their face. We went in and got ready to go out on the stage. We ran out on the stage and started talking. Afther a couple of songs. Liam start to chase me. Niall laughing. I ran till I almost fell of the stage but,Liam grab me and pulled me to his chest. I looked at him. I snuggled into his chest. I looked into his eyes and said,"Thanks." I stole his snapback and wore it on my head. He laughed and we all start singing. The crowed going crazy. I start danceing to the music. Swaying my hips and Liam joined in. Then we start ball danceing. Him touching my face everytime we would meet. We kept being a bunch of goof balls on stage. We thanked the aduience and ran off stage. We all jumped on each other screaming our heads off. Once we got back to the hotel. Liam snucked in my room and we fell asleep.

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