Zayn P.O.V
I snuggled deep to someones chest. I opened my eyes and saw Liams eyes on me,"Hello Love." I rub my eyes,"Hello." He yawned,"I feel lazy." I nod,"Me too." Our door burst open and saw everyone was at the door. "Li,babe why are you in here. With him." She sneered at the end. Liam rolled his eyes,"Dont call me that only Z can say that. Plus you take up the whole bed." I laughed and smiled up at him,"Do I take up the whole bed LiLi?" He laughed,"Nope your just perfect." I blushed and hid my face in his kneck. Niall laughed," OMG THERE ACT MORE OF A COUPLE." We shrugged and hid under the blanket. Liam put his index finger to his lips. I nod and he grab my waist. I laied my head on his chest. The covers were yanked off us and Sophia look at us. "WHY ARE YOU IN BED WITH HIM? Liam got up and pulled me with him. He ran and carried me to his room. He shut the door. "Why are we runing again?" He laughed,"To see how mad Sophia would get." I laughed and nod. I walked to the door and put my back to it so no one can get in. He grab some clothes and things and took a shower. He got dress in th bathroom. He put his back to the door,"You can change into some of my clothes." I nod and he grab some jeans and a black shirt. I grab it and said thank you. I took my shower and put the clothes on but it was a little baggy. I liked it,it smelled like liam. I walked out and Liam smiled,"Looks good on you." I blushed. He smirked and ran over to me. Once he picked me up I squeaked,"Liam must you carry me everywhere.I have feet." He nod,"Yes,cant let your beutiful hurt. Now can we?" I blushed. "The boys are in the lobby. So we are going to run right passed them." I laughed,"Your going to be runing im going to be hopeing you dont my ass." He laughed and I held on to him tight. He ran passed them. I saw there faces and laughed. We made our way to the car and I was siting on Liam lap again. "Your laugh is so buetiful." I swiped my hair out my eyes and said,"Well thank you." He chuckled and start playing with my hair. The boys and Sophia came in. "You guys are silly." Paul said. We chuckled and Liam went back to playing with my hair. "I am now addicted to your hair." He whisperd. I laughed,"Thank you." He nod. He played with my hair while I laied on his chest. He stoped just when I was about to go to sleep he stoped,"Hey why you stop." He chuckled,"Do you want to be sleepy dureing the interveiw?" I looked at Paul,"No." He said. "No." I chuckled. He laughed,"You are something else." I smirked,"You know it." We both laughed. "Im sooooo hungry." Niall said. Sophia started to laugh but it sounded like a dieing horse. Poor horse. Liam rolled his eyes. I turned around to Louis and Harry. They were makeing out. I shook my head,"DONT MAKE LARRY BABIES NOW!" I took a pillow and threw it at them. They blushed and looked down. We all start to laugh. I sign and put my head into Liams kneck. He rub my back. The car stoped and I heard fans screaming. I sign and got off Liams lap. He pouted but i just poked his cheek a rubed it. He smiled and put his forehead on mines. I smiled,"We should get out." He grab me face,"Will you sit beside me?" I nod. He smiled and grab my hand. "Um....wrong person." Sophia said. He rolled his eyes. He rub me hand. "Li,we have to go in." He nod and I got out. He followed. The fans werw screaming there heads off. I smiled and walked in. Liam and the boys following me. The interviewer came over,"Thank you so much for your time." We all nod and smiled. She wanted to talk but they swept her away for hair and makeup. Liam grab my waist and started to tickle me. I laughed and he chuckled. Sophia grabed his hand but he let go and start chaseing me. I screamed and ran to the makeup room. I smiled and said,"Hey lou." She smirked,"Runing from the train pain again?" I nod. Liam knocked on the door. My eyes widend,"Dont let him in." She smirked and walked over to the door. Liam was standing there,smirking. He ran over and picked me up. I screeched and we sat on the couch. Me in his lap. "Now why must you run from the pain train?" I laughed,"Maybe the name gives a clue." He laughed and put his head into my kneck. "You still smell like roses." I laughed. "Your crazy." "Am I now." I nod and he stood up. I squeaked as he open up the door. I mouth to lou 'help me.' She smirked and mouth back,'No'. I faked sob. He ran up and down the hall. I screamed. Everyone was looking at us. Liam was laughing while I must looked crazy. The boys were laughing at us. The camra poeple were laughing to. He put me down and I felt dizzy. I stumbled and he caught me. I pouted,"Your a big menie." He laughed and soon I was laughing too. Soon we had to do the interview. Like I promised,I sat beside Liam. Lucy start to talk. "Hey boys." "Hey." We all said in unsion. "So that song Zayn. It seem like it had so much emotion in it?" She was talking about 'what do you mean?' I song it in one of the concerts. I smiled,"I just really felt it." She smiled,"So who is the special lady that you wrote it for?" Liam was looking at me. I looked into his eyes,"Its foe someone who I reallt truly love." I looked back at Molly. I glanced at Liam. He was confused,aww my adorable Liam. "So it has been said that you two are married or engaged?" She said looking at Louis and Harry. They smiled and said,"We are geting married." Her smiled went wide,"That is amazing and it is said that Harry is pregant. Being that Harry screamed it out on stage." We laughed at them. Harry rub his stomack and said,"I am indeed pregant." We burst out laughing. The interview went well. Us makeing beard and baby jokes. Soon, it was time to go and we went back to the car. We checked out of the hosptial and went back to the bus. To another state.

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