To work

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Its been a week since the whole party thing. Alex took Lena on their first date yesterday and I have to go to work in the studio with Sam Smith today. Yep he wanted to sign with me since we met during cochella last year. It wasn't like I had to wear a suit or anything just casual. On the other hand Asher had to wear the whole shabang with the suit and tie and the expensive watch. I don't think I can do that but like causal is my thing. I am a bright person not saying anyone in a suit is boring or anything its just I feel to ordinary I am wild. So after pitting on my heals and checked the mirror. I had on a Moschina Baseball Jersey paired with some light wash knee cut jeans and some Timberland wedges. My nails where done a nice marble gray. My red hair was parted the left side. I walked downstairs.

I grabbed a random key from the key fish bowl and walk to the garage. I pressed the buttons and my white Rang Rover. I got in and headed to the office. The building was like all record companies. A tall skyscraper building with the companies name and the family symbol which was one of my tattoos. The yin yang symbol with snakes going threw the circle part. I drove to the parking lot and parked. Soon paparazzi came out of no where. I pushed my way threw thanks to my sunglasses no eye contact. I made it to the elevator where my bodyguards waited with my secretary.

"Good morning Mrs. Michelle." she said. I put my shades on my head. "Please call me Dakota, and what might be your name be." I said taking the folder she handed to me. " My name is Samantha or you can call me Sam" she said, She as pretty taller then me even though she had flats on. She was dressed in a blue sun dress and black flats with her hair in a bun. " I nodded in agreement."So Sam is having lunch with you and Lena at 1o. You have an office meeting is at 5 and then you have an appointment with designer for your Fall and winter closet." she said handing me the detox water with kiwi and strawberry. I thanked her and sat at my desk. There wasn't anything really to do. Lena will come in like 10 minutes. I was on my computer thinking about the wedding plans for April.I wanted a spring wedding nothing big. We will get married underneath a white willow. Its still early and we have like 8 month left and all but I really wanna go cake testing and stuff for the venue before the winter cause its going to be harder.

Shortly after came in the room with a purple sundress and tan fringed ankle boots her blue hair was pined into a bun. She said and sat down. "So, how was the date?" I said drinking some of my water. "Oh my god it was magical. He took me to the carnival and we rode on the Farsi wheel and we had a nice picnic in the park. Oh and we also saw the fireworks on harbor." She said with the biggest grin on her face."So did he ask you the question?" I said motioning to the door as I grabbed my purse and my glasses. "Yeah, and it looks like where Alena now," she said. I told Sam I was heading to the Lunch meeting cause the employ meeting canceled. She said okay as I handed her the empty VOSS bottle. We headed downstairs to my car and drove to the little cafe. We walked in and noticed Sam. He blended in really well. We walked over to him as he gave us both a huge.

"So Sammy you ordered already." I asked as I picked up the menu. "Yes, I did. And CONGRATULATION on the engagement," He said I thanked him. The waiter came. We ordered and talked about him switching over. His people that writes for him will stay and all. He agreed with us. We told him that we will set up a meeting with him on Friday. He agreed and we left. We are leaving early because the designer is coming to the house. We headed back to the office I let Sam leave early as we headed home.

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