Made Love Already?

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As I was secure in his hold he ran towards the house while the Rottweiler ran towards us also. Somehow miraculously he jumped onto the porch and had gotten me safely inside like he said he would. As I climbed down from his back I was shaking a little while I asked him why we had to run from the dog if this was his house, he told me that the dog used to belong to his father's gambling buddy before his mysterious death and that ever since then his father had kept the dog for him and somewhere along the lines the dog grew a bit bitter towards him and after all this time, he couldn't bring himself to kill it. I wanted to ask him where his father was now but knew now wasn't the time. I then asked him a question that I should have asked a long while ago," What are we doing here," He then looked at me and said he just wanted to be alone with me and to show me how to control my urges for killing.

He then took claim of my lips and wrapped his arms around my waist. My arms that seemed to have a mind of their own laced up around his neck deepening the kiss, he then pushed his hands between my legs so that they both were wrapped firmly around him as he walked up stairs with our tongues intertwined in a kiss. When we reached his bedroom I pulled away from his kiss and was able to get a clear good look at his room, which looked like any other teenage boy's room I suppose. He led me to his bed and gently but firmly pulled me to the center of it. I told him that I didn't think it was the right time to do this and that we only just met today. He smiled at me and said," we might have just met today but I feel this is the right place and right time to do this," I was speechless but I sort of felt the same thing he did, so I relaxed and told him to be gentle because I was still a virgin so he said for me to hold on and that he would take care of me from now on. I smiled and wrapped my legs around his waist. As we both started to undress I looked over to him and saw that he was watching me intently like someone on a mission, which made me shiver in excitement. We then held me by my waist on the bed and promised me that he would go slow so that the pain isn't so intense. As he was about to slide into me I noticed that didn't have on a condom but strangely it didn't bother me because I knew that what it would produce will make things more fun and reveal things about others as well as ourselves.

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