Pregnancy and first kill

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Tears started to fall down my face knowing he still loved me after our little falling out the other night. He pulled a hollow size kitchen knife from the pocket of his hoodie and ran towards me. Two out of the five boys who tried to rape me ran at Kyle with metal poles, but somehow they weren't able to touch him and had their throats cut. The next three decided to triple team him giving me time to get off the ground and get myself situated and watched as they punched and kicked Kyle all over the place. When I looked down I saw the knife he had pulled out and grabbed it. I placed it over one of the boys neck and said," Don't you ever touch him," and gave him a very deep cut through his throat and watched in horror and amusement as dark red blood squirted out onto my black skirt and my high tops. Kyle then was able to pull out another knife and stabbed the other guy in his stomach about thirty-five times. As we cornered the leader of the group Kyle grabbed hold of my hand and said that we can finish him off together. I looked at him and smiled then looked back at the shivering young man before us and stabbed him in between his neck and collarbone.We stabbed him for about five minutes until I pulled Kyle away from the dead body and gave him a long soulful kiss while saying how sorry I was about everything that had happened between us. He just smiled and said it was okay and then we walked out of the alley glad no one was there to see the blood bath in front of us before we got into his car. He drove me back to his house I asked him if the dog was still out there like it was when I first came here. He shook his head no and pointed to a dead dog lying across the yard. When we went inside I walked into the bathroom and took off my shoes and started to wash the blood off of them. Kyle came in behind me and kissed my neck and said I could leave them for tomorrow and led me back to his bed. I lay across his bed and raised up my legs revealing that I had no panties on from when those boys had ripped them and pulled them out of my coat pocket saying that I picked them up so the cops wouldn't know who caused it. Kyle smiled down at me and said," I want to make love to you all night long and I promise you that for now on everything will be different," then we both pulled off each others clothes Kyle was about to put on a condom but after all the other times we had sex he didn't so I wondered what made this time so different so I told Kyle that I didn't want him to wear a condom and he had love to me till 3 in the morning. The next morning I decided to cook Kyle some breakfast before we got ready to go to school. As i was putting everything onto the plates Kyle came into the kitchen and wrapped his arms around my waist. I sat the plates down and twisted around in his arms so that I was facing him and gave him a long kiss good morning. Then all of a sudden I felt a little queasy so I hurriedly pushed past him and ran into the bathroom and started to vomit into the toilet a little.Kyle came in and asked if I was feeling okay, I sat down beside the toilet and told him " I'm feeling fine just got sick all of a sudden which is very odd."He helped me up onto my feet and said that it may be a possibility that I was pregnant. I told him that i couldn't be pregnant because we only did it a few times without condoms so how could there be any possible way I could be pregnant in such a short amount of time. Kyle just shrugged and said that we would figure it out after school was over and gave a hug and a kiss as we both got ready for school. When we arrived in the school's parking lot I asked Kyle what were we suppose to do now. He told to act like everything is normal and to meet him at the end of fourth period so we could got to the hospital to see if I was really pregnant. 

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