Family Trouble

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One hour later, I had awakened in Kyle's arms and when I looked at the clock next to his bed, it said 7 o'clock P.M. As I tried to get up my lower body was still a little sore from earlier. Kyle must have sensed I was in pain because he aroused out of bed. He walked slowly to me, and gazed into my eyes then, said he was sorry for hurting me. I smiled then gave him a little kiss on the lips and told him that it was okay and that since it was my first time that of course it was going to hurt a little. Then I told him that I needed to get home so that I wouldn't have to hear my father's or his new wife's mouth and then decided to get up and put my clothes back on so we could go. As I tried putting my pants on Jordan suddenly grabbed hold of my waist and told me to take my time so that my lower body wouldn't be in so much pain. When we were both dressed we went outside and got into his car while still seeing if the dog was going to try and follow us, but much to my relief, it didn't.

When we came towards my house, I told him to park where they wouldn't be able to see us. When we found a good hiding space I gave him a kiss and told that I would see him tomorrow at school, and kissed him goodbye before I got out of the car. As I walked into the house I saw my father in the living room waiting for me. When he saw me walk through the door the first thing he said was where have you been and why was I just now getting home. I looked at him then back to his wife who had just came from the kitchen and I said, "It's none of your business," then ran up the stairs forgetting about the pain my lower body was in and slammed the door. I got ready to go back to sleep when my father burst into my room demanding to know where I've been for the whole day. I just rolled my eyes at him when suddenly someone pulled me by my hair forcing me to the ground. I was shocked and angry to find out it was my impudent new step-mother. Thinking I had enough time to react I pushed her down making her hit the side of her head on my desk near my bed. I started to smile but stopped when my father came near me. I then just got up and tried to run. I was inside my bathroom in a matter of seconds with the door locked behind me. My father started cursing and saying that I better had not hurt his wife to the point that she will die. One minute or so later I called Kyle about three times but he didn't pick up his phone. So I looked back into my room and saw that my father had left the room.

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