First fight and almost rape

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He told me that it was time that he taught me how to finally control my urges. So we went to the middle of the woods and told me to close my eyes and listen very carefully to what I was hearing. I did what I was told and started to voices that told me to kill someone that I needed to kill someone. I then told Kyle what I had heard which only made him smile. He said that now that I hear the voices it was time for me to learn to control them so that I wouldn't go on some sort of killing spree in the middle of the day. He then said," This would be the hardest part of the training," because sometimes it is very hard trying not to kill people and that he knows it is because it was very hard for him at first and that the voices feed on your emotions. I took a very deep breath and tried to concentrate on what I was feeling. I suddenly saw our whole town burning to the ground, and then he appeared in front of me and planted a long bittersweet kiss upon my lips. Then suddenly I fainted, when I came to I was laying on Jordan's bed. When I tried to sit up I felt something heavy on my stomach to only find out that it was Jordan laying on me. I just smiled and decided to go back to sleep since it was Friday and I was next to my first love.

The next day I was getting ready to go to Amber's party since it started at 8:30, I didn't get there until almost 10 something because I was with Kyle for a little while. The party looked like it would last all night until, someone called the police complaining about the noise. I was drinking and dancing with a couple of guys when Kyle came up to them wanting them to get away from me.Kyle and I made eye contact when I told him to lighten up and that we were just dancing. Suddenly he grabbed me and pulled me outside where a couple of kids were doing drugs so they were too busy to notice anything we were doing. I asked him what his problem was. Jordan said he doesn't like when I'm dancing with other boys and that I belonged to him and only him. Even though I knew he meant well I let my anger get the better of me and said," We've just been together for a couple of days and you don't own me." His shocked expression amused me somehow and I smirked at him, I told him it would be best if we don't see each other for a couple of days until he cooled down.

Two or three days later my not being near Kyle was starting to get to me because I longed for his touch ever since our fight the night at Amber's party. Sometimes I would see him staring at me across the campus courtyard wanting me to come to him, but something inside of me told me that I should just wait until he comes for me at his own pace and time. Finally he did come to me but it was on a night when he came to my rescue.It was at night when I was walking home from the overnight bookstore in town, and someone suddenly grabbed me and pulled me into an abandoned alley way. They told me that they knew all about my relationship with Jordan and it was time they had some fun with me before they exposed me in front of the whole school. They threw me to the ground and ripped my panties off of me and said that they were going to rape me and record every second of it. Until Kyle appeared out of nowhere and said," I don't think so, there is no way in hell I would ever stand by and watch filthy vermin violate my girlfriend."

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