Danger & On the Run

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 Apparently , I said what I was thinking out loud so the doctor told me that because of the powers I possess I seemed to have recovered rather quickly than a normal human being would have in this type of situation. Kyle put the twins in their carriers and then helped me out of the bed so that we could head back to the house and try to stabilize the family before the twins are in danger from being taken just like my father. We fell in a sort of rhythm for the next two weeks of being home with the twins, and finally got to the point that we could tell why they were crying and so fussy in the middle of the night. But even as comfortable things became i knew that sometime soon things were going to go bad just as they were good, as if things had to come to the middle before they began or end. I just didn't think it would happen so soon. Five weeks of even having the twins the police were at our doorstep once again along with that old woman. Kyle just wore a blank expression while he told me to get the twins while he got everything else, but as I was running back to Kyle with each twin in hand I was suddenly grabbed from behind by two police officers as a group of them surrounded Kyle. Looking helplessly at him I wanted nothing more to be by his side with our children. Just then I looked over and saw the old woman smiling at me as I read her lips, which said," Time for you to watch him die." I quickly looked over to Kyle with tears streaming down my face as he was held at gun point. Then something came over me because i just wanted to scream, so I did which surprisingly gave kyle time to get to my side while everyone else even the old lady covered their ears in pain. Swiftly Kyle picked me up along with the twins and our belongings and we vanished out of our house and next to Kyles car where he put everything onto the trunk and helped me put the twins in the back seat. As we began to drive off I looked at him and asked if we are just going to be on the run for now on. He just smiled and reached for my hand and said that he knew this would happen but he had zero clue that i would happen so soon, but he had prepared for us to stay in the forbidden mansion belonging to Mr. Mason and his dog. I asked Kyle why did he say it was a forbidden mansion.

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