First Love?

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As his arms was securely wrapped around me I started to calm down considerably, knowing that he was going to do everything in his power to protect me and also save my father even though he doesn't like him. Then suddenly the shapeshifter spoke in a somewhat spooky voice." You are going to have to be extra prepared for the next sneak attack he is planning and I'm here to help you guys out with that," he had said. I looked up at Kyle and asked what did he mean next attack and who exactly is this shapeshifter person. Kyle just smiled and said that he is his childhood friend from long ago, Brett. I looked at them and then suddenly I saw that friendly vibe going on between them and smiled at how relaxed they both seemed with each other. Then suddenly we heard sirens outside the house. So I walked over to the window and saw a huge amount of police cars outside and then turned around looking at Kyle and told them that there was a problem and he walked over a saw what I mean so he told me to go upstairs and pack some clothes for us because it looked like we would have to leave for a while so that we can rescue my father and start our family safely without any problems. So I ran up there and did as I was told and after that was done i ran back down stair and into the kitchen to turn off the oven and the stove. When all of that was done Kyle Grabbed me by the waist with one arm and balanced the rest our stuff in the other with Brett beside us then all of a sudden a magic circle surrounded us and engulfed us in black flames. As we were about to teleport God knows where when the police started to pound on the door. Then we were gone wanted fugitives by the police and the man who kidnapped my father. Brett had teleported us to some abandoned house that looks to be in the middle of nowhere. Kyle pulled me up the stairs into the last room down the long hall. Then he proceeded to put all of our things away while I just sat on the bed and watched him. When he was done he asked me what was wrong so I said," What's wrong is that we are wanted fugitives and I have back pains, so I'm sorry if I am really emotional right now, especially with two unborn babies!" Kyle just stood there in shock for what seemed like hours but it was really two long minutes. But finally he came over to me and pulled me into his arms and I still loved how well I fit perfectly under his chin. Then he said," I know this is a lot for you to handle in just one day but, no matter what we will get through this together and I will make sure that with all my heart and power that our children will be able to live a safe and healthy life." Instead of replying I just smiled and snuggled closer to his chest happy to know I will be protected and give birth to healthy children. We went back downstairs and turned on the television and saw that the police had put out a warning to anyone who sees us to report it to the cops and to be careful because we could be armed and dangerous. Our situation as progressing in the worst of ways but I knew that I had to remain positive and believe that Kyle will come through with whatever he had planned. SO after all of that I found dinner to cook for all of us and got all the plate ready then headed off to bed because I was really exhausted. As I slipped into bed I was asleep rather quickly, but I didn't stay asleep for long because I was awoken by Kyle trailing kisses down my stomach.

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