Last Kiss

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- 3 Months Later-

*Kimberly's POV*

I groaned inwardly as the clock ticked down before I had to go on stage. i was still opening for Taylor, but One Direction had to return to their own tour. Zayn and I had been able to snek out on a few dates since then, but the distance was taking it's toll. 

Suddenly my phone beeped and I hurriedly picked it up. I couldn't help but grin at the message.


Hey sorry I haven't talked to you in a while. I've been busy. Have fun in New York! You're gonna rock the Garden! xx

I sighed and wished that he didn't have to be in London and that he could just be here in New York with me. I took a deep breath and broke the promise I made to myself, and Zayn, and Taylor, well everyone that cared about me really; I went on Twitter.

---1 Month Earlier----

Somehow the media caught Zayn and I on a date, and not 5 minutes later picturees of Zayn and his mystery girl were all over the internet. That was when the hate started rolling in. Countless tweets calling me a "Fame seeking Ho" and worse started rolling in. 

Zayn decided that it would get better if we went public with the relationship and I agreed, so on their interview with Ellen when she asked "Which of you guys are single?" Only Harry and Niall rose their hands. Ellen grinned and asked Zayn "What's this? Is there a new girl in your life?"

Zayn grinned and said proudly "I'm dating Kimberly Robbins. She's the best! She's opening for Taylor Swift on tour right now! You all should check out her music! She's one of the most talented and beautiful girls in the world."

I couldn't help but grin. That night more hate and death threats rolled in. There was more support than before, but the hate destroyed me. 

--- Present Time---

I sighed when I put the phone down. As happy as the text from Zayn made me, it had sadly suprised me. When the hate didn't cool down, Zayn had become much more distant lately. Calls and messages from him were becoming less and less frequent.

I really hoped that I was reading too far into it, because Zayn had finally convinced me that maybe love does exsist. If it ended, I wouldn't know what to believe anymore. I don't think I've ever loved anyone as much as I loved him.

*Taylor's POV*

I couldn't help but smile as I waved goodbye to the huge crowd of smiling faces. It's still overwhelming to think that so many people were there for me! 

I finally made it offstage, and found Kimberly waiting for me. She pulled me into a hug and said "Tat was so amazing Taylor!"

I grinned and said "Same to you!"

She smiled, but I could tell it was faked. I frowned and said "Still worried about Zayn."

Her shoulders fell and she sighed in defeat and nodded. "It's just.. I can't lose him Taylor."

I nodded and pulled her into a hug. I couldn't help but worry about her. They had seemed like such a perfect couple! But once the hate started, it seemed like the sparks that she told me she felt when she was with him would consume her alive. Amonth ago she had went through a bit of depression. It really scared me to death. But I think it scared Zayn the most.

"Come on!" I screamed and pulled Kimberly toward the tour bus after the Meet and Greet. "Let's go and bake cookies on the bus!"

Kimberly laughed half heartedly, and stumbled to cath up as I dragged her to the huge red bus that we both called home.

It was a few hours later and I laughed at the look on Kimberly's face when I threw a handfull of flour in her face.

I laughed so hard tears ran down my face. Suddenly I felt something wet dripping down my face. I ran my hands through my hair in puzzlement, and came back with the liquidy yolk of an egg. I looked in suorise at Kimberly who was grinning at me with a broken egg shell in her hand.

She looked at me, with the egg dripping down my hair and into my eyes, and I looked at her with the flour coating her face so much she looked like a ghost, and we both burst into laughter. Kimberly's legs gave out, and she started rolling on the floor laughing.

We snapped a qyuick picture, and just as we were about to clean up, I heard Kimberly's computer beep. That could only mean one thing. "Zayn." I smiled.

Kimberly's face lit up, and she ran to answer the skype call, with reamanents of the flour still in her hair. 

I watched from the corner of the room as the clock struck 1:58 AM.

The look on his face told me something was wrong. I know that look.

"Kimberly, I know this isn't the best way to do this, but I.. I just don't know if it's going to work."

Kimberly's shoulders started to shudder, and I could tell she couldn't answer. I walked up and said "I think she needs you to go now Zayn." I said with steel in my voice.

He nodded, but I caught the look in his eyes right before the screen went back. I could have sworn they were filled with.. pain.

The thought slipped my mind as Kimberly's crying got louder. I hugged her tight and kept telling her it would be okay.

Soon her crying gradually slowed, and her eyes began to droop, but right before she mercifully fell asleep I could have sworn I heard her whisper "I never thought we'd have our last kiss."

Taylor Swift-My idol becomes my friend (Zayn Malik love story)Where stories live. Discover now